35. The Actual Truth

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TW: abuse


"Evelyn what is she talking about?" Draco asked once again and the girl sighed as she met his eyes seeing him looking at her with worry in his eyes.

"Anne and David are actually not dead, well David is dead because I um killed him but Anne is still alive" the girl said and Severus looked at her.

"Why did you kill David?" Isabella asked, "Because he tried to inject me with something and he deserved it" Evelyn said harshly them all taken back about the way she said it.

"What did he do so badly that made you hate him?" Evelyn froze, maybe it was time she told them the truth on why she hated David so much.

"Something that ruined my relationship but him and Anne were along with the plan and Greenass and Parkinson" the girl said and Tom and Draco both froze then looked at her.

She knew they were looking at her confused, wanting to know what David did.

"Well what did he do?" Theodore asked and she looked at him swallowing, Evelyn then looked at Draco and Tom, the two not looking at her anymore.

She sighed.

"David has threatened me...well not me exactly, Cissy, Anne, them" Evelyn said and the two boys looked at her, Evelyn looking right back at them.

"He threatened to kill them if I didn't break up with Draco and Tom because it was some how wrong for me to be in a relationship with two guys" Lucius snapped his head towards her, then looked at Draco who was digging his nails into his palms.

"So I did but they wouldn't have found out if those fucking bitches Parkinson and Greenass hadn't told David and Anne about our relationship" Theodore's face scrunched up his face into confusion.

"How'd they find out?" Theodore asked, "Because it was very obvious, their relationship" Blaise said and Theodore hummed as he sat back down, Draco left the living room and went into his room as Tom walked out.

"Seriously" Evelyn said and then looked at the others, "Evelyn you do know you had all that other time to tell them about what David did right and you didn't" Blaise said and sighed walking out.

"Okay one what the fuck and two why the fuck do any of you care, it's not like it's your situation" Evelyn said and walked outside seeing Tom sat down staring at the ground.

Evelyn sighed and walked towards him sitting.

"You hate me?" She asked and he slowly lifted his head and looked at her, "No not really" He said and she sighed shrugging, "That's good enough" Evelyn said with a smile.

"See how Lucius looked at Draco?" Tom asked the girl and she shook her head confused, "I feel like he was putting things together and figured out that uhm me and Draco you know" Tom said and the girl laughed.

"Go talk to him" Tom said and she shook her head, Tom looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Fine let's go talk to him" he said and took hold of her hand dragging her inside up to the blondes room.

Once the two were in front the room. They stood still, Tom's hand over Evelyn's mouth as they heard yelling, next thing they heard was a thud and Lucius walking out the room with blood on his fists.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now