10. Date Night

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Draco woke up with the worst headache ever, he then sat and felt his stomach turn up, Draco ran into the bathroom and threw up, spitting and coughing, "Shouldn't have drank so much" he heard Tom say and glared at him, "Leave me alone" Draco said and leaned over the toilet, throwing up again.

"That's gross" Evelyn said leaning against Tom, while closing her eyes, "So you two awoke to my vomiting cool" Draco said and flushed the toilet then washing his mouth, "She woke up at five in the morning to throw up" Tom said and Evelyn gave two lazy thumbs up.

"And then she came back and woke me up" Tom said and Evelyn smiled, "Move Draco" Evelyn said and rushed to the toilet, Draco held back Evelyn's hair and looked away as she throwed up in the toilet, "This is so gross" Evelyn said and then throwed up again, "I hate my life" Evelyn said and got up, Evelyn washed her mouth.

"Me and Mattheo have a sister named Belle and she started going to Hogwarts yesterday too" Tom said blankly and Evelyn turned around looking at him, "My brain, my head, it fucking hurts I can't– oh my god, what other things are you hiding" Evelyn asked, "Eh just that, our sister is nice though" Tom said and Evelyn smiled before slapping him.

I am so dead, Evelyn thought as she backed away from Tom.

Tom rolled his tounge on his cheek as he looked at the girl, Tom then looked down and looked back up at Evelyn, "Big mistake" Tom said as he grabbed her by her waist and pin her against the wall, holding both her hands above her head.

"What's your problem? Hm?" Tom asked and Evelyn gulped looking into his eyes, "Listen to me, you should always think twice before slapping me, do you understand?" Tom asked as Evelyn let out a shaky breath, "Do you understand?" Tom said wrapping his other hand around her throat, "Yes" Evelyn said and whimpered when Tom choked her harder, "Yes sir" Evelyn whimpered out and Tom released her, "Good girl" Tom whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Draco was watching in amusement as he brushed his teeth.

"Can someone brush my teeth for me? I don't wanna do it" Draco asked whining and they both looked at him, Tom grabbed Draco's chin roughly and took the toothbrush, brushing his teeth, Evelyn laughed as Draco tried to move and tried to get out of Tom's grip, Draco then spit the toothpaste out and glared at Tom as he held his chin, "Oww" Draco said as Tom had slapped him on the face.

Evelyn snickered and pushed the two away from the sink and started brushing her teeth, "Stupid bitch" she heard Draco say then saw the two walk out the bathroom, Evelyn smirked knowing something good or bad was going to happen to him, she then heard something fall and Draco curse.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" She heard Draco say and then he ran back into the bathroom, hugging her, "Go away" Draco said and Tom removed Evelyn and pinned Draco against the wall, Evelyn washed out her mouth and dried her face as she watched in amusement, "You do not speak that way to me, understand?" Tom said sternly and Draco nodded his head, "Words" Tom said, "Yes s-sir" Draco said and Evelyn smirked, "Keep smirking and I will punish you both" Tom said and Evelyn smiled.

"Stupid whore" Draco said as he pinned Evelyn against the wall and started to kiss her, "Jump" Draco muttered against the kiss and Evelyn did as told, "Nuh uh, nope no nope" they heard Tom say and whined especially Evelyn, "You're not the boss of us Riddle" Draco said with attitude and lifted Evelyn's chin to face him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now