4. Her Climax

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𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭😏

Evelyn's Pov

"Oh we are so going to have fun destroying you" Tom said and looked at Draco with a smirk on their faces, I looked at them both gulping, asking myself if I made the right decision on letting them destroy me.

"You're sure you're okay with this?" Draco asked and I nodded my head earning a sternly glare from him, "Yes I told you, I'm okay with this" I said, Draco then started kissing my neck and biting it as his hand roamed my body, his hands finding my breasts and squeezing it making me gasp in shock, Tom then started kissing me on the mouth and let his hands roam freely against my body, his hand then found it's way to my pajama pants and he slowly put his hand in my pants and started rubbing my clothed pu**y, they both then stopped what they were doing and looked at me caressing my face, moving my hair out of my face.

Tom then went to my feet and pulled my pajama pants all the way down, throwing it somewhere in my room, he then started kissing the inside of my thighs while Draco kissed my upper body, and my breasts, Draco stopped kissing my breasts and then he pulled something out of his pocket, it looked kind of heavy and it was silver, "W-whats that?" I asked breathing a hit heavy since Tom didn't stop kissing the insides of my thighs, Draco then leaned down and kissed me on the lips, "Have patience love, you'll see" Draco said.

He then put it in front of my face and opened it revealing a knife, my heart beat started racing more, holy shit he is going to kill me, oh my God no I'm too young to die, please don't kill me, Draco then smirked, "Don't worry love I'm not going to kill you" Draco said and I gulped and looked at him confused, "He read your mind" Tom said with a smirk and my eyes widened, all this time, all these things I have been thinking about my sexual fantasies about them they fucking knew, "W-what?" I asked stuttering then cursing myself for doing so,

"Mhm so we knew all about your sexual fantasies about us, and we would gladly like to them to you" Tom said with a smirk on his face, "I didn't have any of those!" I slightly yelled, "Sure" Tom said with a smirk while Draco just chuckled and played with knife in his hand, Draco then brought the knife up to my face and started dragging it down my cheek then to my lip, he then dragged the knife down to my chest and slide it across my chest, he then put it underneath my bra strap and cut it making me gasp, he then did the under, Tom reached under me and unclipped my bra, leaving it on me, as I was about to say something Draco cut me off, "Relax I'll buy you a new one" Draco said, "We...will" Tom said looking at Draco and he nodded his head.

Draco and Tom both looked down at me, and I nodded my head allowing them to remove my bra, when they both saw my breasts, they both had a look in their eyes......lust, I tried my best to cover myself but nothing worked considering I was handcuffed to the bed head, the only thing I could do was squirm, "Stop it" Draco said sternly and I stayed still, they both stared at my body in lust, Draco then started running his hands down my body, he then went back up and squeezed my breasts making me, he leaned down and started sucking on my chest then to my breast, swirling his tounge around my nipple.

"Fuck Draco" I moaned out and closed my eyes, "Keep your eyes open slut and watch him" Tom said and I opened my eyes to see him holding a....blindfold? Wait shit, are they going to blindfold me, but wait their going to so kill m-, I thought but was cut off by someone slapping the inside of my thigh making me hiss from the sting, "We're not going to kill you relax" Draco said and started playing with the hem of underwear, my breathing started going up and my face felt hot, the thought of them watching me naked.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now