38. A Miracle Happens

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Uhm so like yea uhm bxb skip if u want, u don't gotta read it but bye to the people who skipped <3

Oct, 21st, 1978

Draco hummed as he continued to trace circles on Tom's bare chest, the blonde then smirked as he kissed Tom's chest moving up, kissing his neck.

Draco continued the kiss the others neck as the other let out a small moan, this made Draco's smirk grow even bigger and he laid down on the others chest pretending nothing happened.

"Why'd you stop? Finish what you started" Tom said and Draco smirked and shook his head, Tom grabbed the other by his waist and flipped them over looking at the blonde with a raised eyebrow.

"I will fucking punish you" Tom said and Draco smirked, "Maybe that's what I want" Draco said and Tom rose an eyebrow at the blonde, "Can you two take your flirting else where, I'm trying to sleep" Evelyn said and they rolled their eyes.

Tom connected their lips as he choked the blonde, his other hand roaming the blondes body, Draco's eyes were closed as they kissed, the blonde moaned into the kiss.

"Seriously?" Evelyn and the two smirked as she got up and left the room going into the bathroom, the two frowned but continued to kiss.

"We should really save water!" They heard Evelyn yell from the bathroom and smirked as they locked the door and made their way into the bathroom seeing Evelyn already in the shower, the water on.

The two stripped off of their clothes and stood in the shower, Tom stayed behind Evelyn whilst Draco went infront of her, "hi" Evelyn said and they both smirked.

Tom began to kiss the girls neck as Draco felt her body, Tom pulled the girls hair down, her head tilting back ad he continued to suck and kiss her neck, the hot water hitting them all.

Draco spread the girls legs as he went onto his knees, the blonde licked a long stripe of her pu**y, holding her legs apart as the girl moaned.

Draco smirked and continued to lick her pu**y, the girl moaning every here and then, the blonde rubbed at her clit as Tom began to knead her breasts with his hands, pinching her nipples as he continued to leave hickey's on her neck.

Draco then thrusted a finger into the girl, her letting out a moan as he began to move his finger at a fast pace whilst rubbing at her clit.

Tom held Evelyn's jaw in his hand as he smashed his lips into the girls kissing her roughly, Evelyn moaned into the kiss as Tom pinched her nipples hard and as Draco fingered her, she loved when they both did this to her.

Draco kissed the girls thighs still fingering her, he then thrusted a second finger into the girl her moaning as he fingered her at a fast pace.

"Fuck" Evelyn moaned as Draco continued to finger her at a fast pace, Tom smirked and roamed her body with his hands, grabbing her-now-wet-hair and pulling it, the girl moaned at this.

The blonde began to suck on her cl*t as he continued to finger her, Evelyn enjoyed this very much as Tom kissed every inch of her body and as Draco continued to finger her.

The girl loved the pleasure both boys gave her. She could feel the knot in her stomach now growing close as Draco continued to move his finger in and out of her at a fast pace.

"God you're so beautiful" Tom mumbled as he kissed her lips once more, the girl moaning and smiling into the kiss as the knot grew closer and closer.

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