Bonus Chapter

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4th year

They're 15

TW: stuttering


Draco looked at Tom with confusion in his eyes, he had no idea what he was feeling but it definitely scared him how fast his heart would beat whenever the boy was near him and the way he would get nervous.

Draco let his eyes travel down Tom's body although he could hardly see as they were only sitting in class.

Draco continued to admire Tom until the other looked at him which made him quickly glue his eyes to his book, his heart beating faster than ever and he could hear the chuckle Tom let out.

Draco gulped as Tom leaned closer to him, "Did you get the answer?" Tom asked and Draco's breath hitched, "A-answer w-what answer?" The blonde asked and Tom chuckled.

"Nevermind its amortentia" Tom said and Draco nodded his head skimping through the paper looking for where the answer has to be, "There, the answer has to be there since you were busy admiring me instead of paying attention to your test and got lost" Tom said.

Draco's eyes widened, he did notice.

"I wasn't a-admiring you" the blonde said, god it was getting hot in here for the blonde, he was feeling a bit too hot and Tom was just invading his space a bit.

"Whatever you say" Tom said and the blonde nodded his head as he continued to do his work with shaky hands.

Draco sat down next to his friends in the common room and just stayed quiet as they all were talking to eachother.

He had no idea what they were talking about but he was honestly bored but did not feel like interrupting their conversation just to ask to play games.

Draco opened a book and began to read it although he could hardly read it and they were talking loud but then he thought he could go to his dorm but Tom would be there studying as usual and he did not want to go there.

The blonde bit his lip and mentally sighed as he got up and left the common and began walking up the stairs to the dorms.

The blonde got to his shared dorm and unlocked it with the key seeing Tom look up and smile at him.

Draco returned the smile and walked to his bed sitting down and reading his book, he could see Tom getting up in the corner of his eye and walking towards him but all he did was ignore the other.

"Watcha readin?" Tom asked and Draco showed him the book cover, the other rolling his eyes as he took the book away and placed the bookmark in before sitting infront of the blonde.

Tom grabbed Draco by the chin forcing him to look at him, "When I talk to you, you watch me okay?" Tom asked and the blonde slowly nodded his head.

"Adorable" Tom said pinching his face making the blonde groan, Tom smirked and walked back to his bed and sat down as Draco just looked at his book, no longer reading.

Draco looked at Tom only to see the other busy studying, he didn't know what it was he was feeling for the other or maybe he did but was ignoring it.

Draco dug his nails into his palms as he placed the bookmark in the book and closed it, the blonde placed it on the nightstand and just stared at the door.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now