21. Truth Comes Out

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Written By Lorenzo Berkshire.

insane_intelligence husband.

TW: DEATH, mentions of blood


The words flew out her mouth so fast that Severus thought he was gonna have a stroke, they all stood up as they looked at the girl infront of them, "Explain now" Evelyn demanded and they all sighed, "Sweetheart" Anne said, "No do not sweetheart me, explain right now why I came up with that conclusion" Evelyn said.

"Is Severus my real father?" Evelyn asked again not making eye contact with anyone, they all stayed quiet, "Right then I'll be on my way" Evelyn said as she pushed her chair in, "Yes, yes, Severus is your real father" Anne said and Evelyn looked at her.

Evelyn saw that her mother had tears in her eyes but she didn't care, why? Because her entire life she has been lied to, over and over.

"Oh" Evelyn said and then glared at David, "You ruined my life" Evelyn said and Severus and Anne showed confused looks

"You ruined my whole entire fucking life, my whole life you would control and push me around, then when I'm finally fucking happy you come and you ruin it just like you ruin everything, you made me break up with the two people I loved all because 'it was wrong' when it wasn't, you just couldn't handle seeing me happy...why?" Evelyn asked.

"Two people you loved?" Anne asked, "Draco and Tom, somehow he found out and then made me, no threatened me to break up with them, he threatened to kill you, Cissy or Dracp and Tom" Evelyn said, "So I did it I broke up with them because I couldn't handle seeing either of you dead" said the girl and Anne's jaw clenched as she looked at the man in disgust.

"He tried to crucio me" Evelyn said and that was all she had to say, Anne slapped David, him turning his head as he held his cheek, "You tried to crucio my daughter and you threatened her and other lives" Anne asked with a clench jaw and Severus had his wand out as he pointed it at David.

"Take a step closer and I swear to fucking Merlin I might just stab you" Anne said and David took a step back knowing that she would in fact stab him, when it came to family, Anne was overprotective.

"I hope you all rot in hell" David said, "I hope you rot in hell David" Anne said and he glared at her taking a step forward but this made Severus take a step forward and walk infront of Anne, "Step back" Severus said and David clenched his jaw stepping back, he knew that Severus would win the fight.

This is so good. Thought Evelyn.

And Severus looked at her, "Don't read my mind" Evelyn said and he rolled his eyes, "I want you out of my house right now David" Anne said, "What!" Yelled David and Anne glared at him, "I said I want you out of my fucking house" Anne repeated.

"But my stuff...." David said, "Are already packed and downstairs" Anne said and Evelyn looked at her mother confused, "Perks of having magic" Anne smirked and Evelyn nodded her head as David made his way out of the kitchen and out to the front door, David slammed the door shut as he left and Evelyn looked at Severus and her mother.

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