30. The Deatheaters Arrival

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TW: death, mentions of self-harm


Aug 3rd 1978

Months had passed and Draco was finished, he was finished with vanishing cabinet, he had scars on his chest and stomach from when Harry Potter had used a curse on him.

He wanted him to pay for that, and he knew that killing Dumbledore would make him get hurt.

He hadn't spoken to Evelyn during those months, none of them did and she never spoke to anyone, she was just silent, ignoring everyone and pretending they didn't exist.

And it was almost as if she could sense someone was looking at her because once you're looking at her, she will just stare right back with a blank expression on her face.

But they knew that they had to keep away from her as it was their task to not distract her and let her focus on her magic- a request from Voldemort to them all to let her focus on magic and no one else.

He needed them- no wanted them to say harsh words to her and ignore her.

They were all yet still shocked about how she killed her own mother and acted crazy, but the girl hadn't shown any remorse-

At all....

She wasn't griefing.

Draco sighed as he walked out the Room of Requirements and walked into the Great Hall with a sigh watching everyone be happy and talk.

Them not knowing that their happiness was going to be taken away.

He sat next to his friends with a sigh them all looking at him, "What?" The blonde asked and they looked away, "Tell me" Draco said and they all stayed quiet which made him let out a groan.

"Evelyn sent a piece of paper with a handprint on it, except....the hand print had blood on it" Theodore said and Draco bit his lip.

"To who?" The blonde asked and Theodore sighed, "Daphne and Pansy" He said and Draco looked at the two girls seeing them talking to eachother with huge grins on their faces.

"What did they do that made her hate them so much?" Draco asked.

They all had been trying to find out what happened, they even asked Pansy and Daphne but the two kept denying they did anything wrong, they even tried multiple times to ask Evelyn but all she would do was bump into them and flip them off.

They all watched as Evelyn walked into the Great Hall and walked to the Slytherin table sitting right next to them, "If any of you comes near me or asks me a question again, I won't hesitate to chop your dick off" she said with a smile.

"Evelyn.." Blaise started and she looked at him, "Hi Blaise" The girl said and he smiled, "I still hate you" she said and his smile faded, "Doesn't mean I won't talk to you though I guess" Evelyn said once again.

"Evelyn! Draco!" They heard someone yell and turned their heads seeing Lucy, the first year walked over to them and sat next to Evelyn, "Hi!" The little girl said and Draco smiled while Evelyn held a blank look on her face.

"Hey where's your bracelet?" Lucy asked and Evelyn took it out from her pocket waving it in the girls face, "Oh okay!" Lucy said and looked at Draco seeing him wearing his.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now