18. In Double Trouble

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TW: rape/sexual assault

If any of you has ever been part of that please either talk to an adult or you can talk to me, just remember do not tell your story until you ate comfortable telling someone about it and do not pressure yourself about it..


Evelyn, what was she doing, she was laying in her room looking at the ceiling thinking of what Mattheo had said about her parents being monsters, she felt sick because of that and ontop of that she didn't want to see either of their faces if she did she felt like she would feel even more sick.

They killed ten kids and a baby who happened to be her sister that she never knew about and never met but Evelyn was too curious and wanted to go to the place where her ghost was, she wanted to see her sister, or ghost sister, but she knew the only way she could is if Mattheo gave her back the book since he said the location was in the book.

She wanted to and needed to see her to ask questions.

How was she suppose to get the book back from Mattheo, he could have burned the book by now so she couldn't have it.

Evelyn sighed and got up, she had said that she was feeling sick to get out of going to classes today, she put shoes on and walked out her door checking her surroundings, she saw no one and smiled, she walked to the boys dormitory and looked for Mattheo's dorm hoping he was not there.

Oh how she was so wrong.

Evelyn got her wand out and pointed it to her the door before saying, "Alohomora" and enetered the dorm, Evelyn tip toed and looked around, she checked under his pillows but it wasn't there, she moved the blankets it wasn't there.

She then felt hands on her waist and froze, a deep chuckle escaping his mouth as he rest his head on her shoulder, his hot breath tickling her neck, "Looking for the book are you?" Asked Mattheo as he held a tight grip around her waist, Evelyn gulped as he spun her around and pushed her against a wall pinning her against it.

"Just give it to me" Evelyn said breathing a bit heavily, Evelyn then noticed a bruise on his face, Evelyn traced the bruise with her thumb as Mattheo looked at her.

"What happened?" she asked and he sighed, "Tom happened, I told him that I fucked you in the shower" Mattheo said and Evelyn slapped him, "Why the fuck would you tell him that" she asked and he shrugged his shoulders, "Well basically he asked why you and me were so close now and I told him we fucked in your shower" Mattheo said unbothered and Evelyn smacked him again.


Mattheo and Tom were both currently sat outside talking, "What's going on between you and Evelyn?" Tom asked and Mattheo shrugged his shoulders and gave him a confused look, "You guys are close now" Tom said and Mattheo looked at him.

"We're friends believe it or not brother" Mattheo said and Tom rolled his eyes, "But friends aren't that close" Tom said and Mattheo snorted, "Talk about you guys" Mattheo said and Tom rolled his eyes, "You literally sometimes hold her hand, hold her chin to make her look at you, grab her by her throat and you expect me to believe that you guys are just friends" Tom asked and Mattheo sighed.

"We are for Salazar's sake" Mattheo said, "Oh right I fucked her in the shower by the way" Mattheo said and Tom's jaw clenched and he punched Mattheo, "You will always be the same won't you hm?" Tom asked and Mattheo chuckled, "Maybe, maybe not" Mattheo said and Tom glared at him punching him once again before leaving.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now