22. The Whispers

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Written by Theodore Nott.

TW: mentions of r*pe.


It had been three days since Evelyn had found a horcrux, Severus was looking into it trying to find out how to get it out, Evelyn had texted everyone including Draco and Tom telling them she had found a horcrux but what was wrong was that, Evelyn would sometimes find herself just staring at the dagger well mostly the ring.

Multiple times Severus would have to draw her attention away from it, she had no idea why, but she would hear it whisper for her to come find it, seek it, and she just did that, she kept seeking it and finding the dagger wherever they hid it.

Theodore, Lorenzo, Mattheo, Blaise, Daphne, Draco, Tom, Belle and...Pansy were all in her living room as she sat there quietly not making a sound or moving, the nine had seemed to notice this behavior of hers, "Evelyn" Daphne said and Evelyn looked at her, "You okay?" The blonde asked and she nodded her head at her friend.

"I am completely fine"


Daphne nodded her head and started to talk back to Lorenzo and the others while Evelyn stared into the fire, it was crackling, the only thing she heard since she blocked the others from her mind only wanting to hear the sound of the fire.

Evelyn had noticed how distance Tom and Draco were and how they would not sit next to eachother and how they would neither hold hands or brush them together.

Seek me.

Evelyn looked around and bawled her hands into fists, but then released them, "I'm going to the bathroom" she said and got up walking, but she was in fact going to the bathroom.

Seek me.

"Nope" Evelyn said continuing to walk to her room.

Seek me.

Evelyn ignored it and walked into her room then bathroom and turned the water on, splashing cold water onto her face, Evelyn sighed, she couldn't hear it anymore or so she thought.

Seek me.

"Oh my god just shut the fuck up, shut up, shut up" She said to no one in particular and Anne enetered her daughters room seeing her daughter pulling at her hair while mumbling words, "Mum would you hurry up and destroy the fucking ring or something its annoying" Evelyn said.

"Sweetheart you know we can't destroy it" Anne said, "Its driving me fucking insane" Evelyn said and Anne sighed, Evelyn scoffed and walked past her, brushing her shoulder against hers, she was going to seek it, she listened to the voice and kept following it which led her to the library, Evelyn walked into the library and checked every shelve until she heard the whispering closer and saw a book half opened, the girl opened it and there was the dagger in between pages which was cut.

"I'm destroying your little ass" Evelyn said as she grabbed the dagger and walked out the library, she then walked out the house and turned around throwing the dagger at the house, but it didn't break at all, it all got scraped, "Fucking break" Evelyn said and threw it at the wall again.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now