En-Connect Day 1

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Today was the best of all, we were already doing our fan meeting and I just loved it. I loved finally seeing the faces of some Korean Engenes, and I loved the concept with the empty chairs where light sticks were attached, to represent the international engenes.

I watched as the boys all rushed out to get changed for the unit performances before getting handed my rolling table and rolling it out on stage, earning a few laughs.

"Hello~" I hapily cooed, "welcome to a short calming break in our performance. This is Jiyeon's foreign kitchen," I happily introduced earning a few waves with our light sticks as the fans weren't allowed to cheer due to covid, "so over Christmas I made some Danish christmas food for the boys, and now that it's February we have another tradition coming up. It's called 'fastalavn'. I won't got much into the history of it, but I will be making something we call a 'fastalavnsbolle' which is a bun wither either marzipan or this sort of cake cream inside of it. So lets start."

I let out a small laugh as I looked around at the bowls with everything measured on the table.

"I'll be making the ones with cream in, because I have been told that marzipan is a very Danish thing to like," I explained before letting out another laugh, "this is really a childhood dream come true. I remember helping in my mom's bakery and pretending I had my own baking show. So... welcome to the premiere of baking with Ji."

I quickly explained how to mix the ingredients before spreading some flour on the small rolling table to lay the dough there.

"So... now it's quite fluffy and airy... which we'd like," I stated and poked the dough, "I'm so sorry if it's boring. The boys are getting ready for something, and we had to have a break."

"We love it unnie!" someone yelled out from the first row making me let out a laugh.

"You're not supposed to yell," I playfully scolded as I rolled out the dough, "actually... could we get a microphone or something down to the audience. I want to talk with the Engenes while doing this," I stated and looked out to a staff member who immediately nodded and grabbed a microphone, "okay... so if anyone wants to talk, raise their arm. The microphone will go to you and we'll have a happy little chat."

I rolled out the dough as the staff member walked out to the first person.

"I love you so much," someone spoke over the speakers making me let out a laugh before pointing to the girl and sending her various forms of hearts.

"Love your the most," I retorted, "so now that the dough is rolled out, we're gonna cut it into squares, with this... pizza cutter... I don't know if that's the proper word for it," I excused and showed them the wheel cutter.

"Unnie, what's something you often say in your native language, that the boys don't understand?" someone spoke up as I stood cutting out the dough.

"Ah... I actually say quite a lot," I admitted, "I often... if I don't speak directly to anyone I'll have these exclamations. Uh... I do have to admit that not all of them are that pretty words. I actually... the boys have picked up on quite a lot," I admitted and grabbed the pre-mixed cream, "nos that everything is cut out I'll put this cream on each square," I explained quickly showing the cake cream, "but as I said, the boys have picked up on quite a lot. They don't understand what the words mean, but they can sort of tell the bad words from the good words."

"What happens then?" the fan let out a small laugh.

"Uh... depends," I shrugged, "if we look at ages... Niki to Sunghoon, they think it's just funny and tries to repeat what I said... not very well to be honest. I tell them it's right, but it's mainly because I don't want them to know bad words in my language, they're very far from saying it right. Jake is a category for himself, he lets out a small gasp and just... giggles, you know... then, if I do it in front of Jay or Heeseung. I will most likely be grounded for a week or so. I'm actually grounded right now, but it doesn't really do a lot since I have to participate in group activities and I know go to online school. You know as odd as it sounds, I'd really like to try and be grounded for real. It's not really something we do where I'm from, and they can't really ground me properly at the moment. So I don't really understand it fully."

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