Chapter 18

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I had hoped no one would hear me, but Sunghoon had immediately sat himself on the edge of my bunk, with his legs dangling over the edge of my bed, as he was trying to calm me down.

"Hey, hey, hey. Listen to my voice, okay?" Sunghoon calmly questioned. The other boys were sitting out in the livingroom, as I had went to bed early. I guess Sunghoon had followed me, even though I had denied Jungwon to come and join me, "listen to my voice, and my breathing."

I didn't intend on having an anxiety attack, I guess I never really was. It seemed that once I had laid down in the silent bedroom it had just flooded me all of a sudden. The thoughts had just invaded my mind immediately, and I hadn't been able to hold it down.

"I'm gonna ask you something, and you just shake or nod your head," Sunghoon spoke up again, "do you need me to get someone else for you?" I immediately shook my head as another pressure came upon my chest and I gasped even more for air, making him immediately grab one of my shoulders and rub it softly, "listen to my breathing," he calmly told me as he made his breathing loud and slow, so that I would be able to hear it over my own frantic breathing.

I desperately tried to pace my breathing with his, but would constantly fall out of the rhythm, until I finally managed to slow down my breathing bit by bit. As I had slowly calmed down, it seemed that Sunghoon also had calmed down by letting out a relieved breath.

"That's good, keep breathing like that. I'm here," he quietly assured me as a small knock echoed from the door, "who is it?" I heard the door creak slightly open, as Sunghoon quickly moved to shield me.

"Hyung?" Sunoo's voice carefully questioned from the door, "what's happening with Sunny?"

"She just couldn't sleep," Sunghoon claimed as I heard the door close again.

"I know that's not true," Sunoo's voice spoke up, I thought he had left, "something about her seems different these days."

"Can I tell him?" Sunghoon questioned looking down at me.

"Only him then," I whispered and he nodded calmly.

"Sunoo, you have to promise to not tell Niki or Jungwon. Jiyeon doesn't want them to know," Sunghoon spoke up.

"Of course, anything for Sunny," Sunoo assured as I could hear him step closer.

"Her anxiety has been acting up lately. We agreed to only tell you youngsters if it got worse. But I don't think we've seen any progress in her anxiety yet," Sunghoon sighed before running a hand through my hair.

"Sunny" Sunoo cooed out as he stepped up to the bed and his face soon appeared in front of mine, sadness immediately washing over his features, "oh my, you look horrible," he muttered as he ran a hand over my hair in a soft pat, "how long?"

"Since I-Land," I muttered to him and his eyes widened at me.

"Ah, poor you," he pouted at me, "you should tell Jungwon. He seems to sense that something is up."

"She doesn't want to tell him," Sunghoon shook his head, "she's scared it'll stress him even more out, on top of being the leader."

"You can't think like that," Sunoo shook his head at me, "that boy would literally drop everything for you. You have no idea how much he cares and worries about you."

"May I sleep now?" I questioned and Sunghoon seemed to just stare down at me.

"I don't know if I dare leave you alone," he admitted quietly.

"I'm fine now," I assured him with a tired voice.

"Promise me, if you feel it acting up, you yell out for one of us," he pointed out to me with a stern voice and I just nodded at him, "I'm serious Bubs."

"I know," I assured him.

"Lets let her sleep hyung," Sunoo urged tugging on Sunghoon's arm, as Sunghoon nodded and jumped down from my bed and walk with Sunoo back to the other boys.

I hesitantly turned in bed and slowly drifted of to a deep sleep. I was so exhausted after my anxiety attack, I always was.

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