Before the Finale

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September 2020
The Night of the Finale

In exactly one hour the finale show would begin, determining who would debut and who wouldn't. All of us equally as nervous as the other.

"Ji~" Jungwon cooed as he walked up behind me and casually placed his chin on my shoulder

"Mhm, what?" I hummed in return making a small giggle escape from his lips.

"Can we talk before we go on stage?" he questioend and I just nodded before feeling him grab onto my hand and softly tugging me with him, away from where the other boys stood.

Jungwon quietly made me sit down on the small seating space before sitting down beside me, not letting our hands fall apart at any time. He kept a tight grip on my hand before just looking down at our intertwined fingers with a small smile.

"Do you still want... do you still want to go on that date when we finish tonight?" he cutely questioned making me softly smile at him just staying silent.

After I had stayed silent for some while he looked up from our hands and just stared at me with big eyes, expecting an answer.

"Ji?" he questioned making me let out a small laugh before scratching the side of my nose.

"Sorry," I muttered as I looked at our hands before carefully pulling my hand from his grip.

"Ji?" he questioned once more and turned my face to look at him. He looked all scared and panicked, more than what he had done anytime before in this competition.

"We can't," I softly spoke as I shook my head at him making a small pout slowly appear on his lips, "I know what you're gonna say... I don't want to hear it."

"No but... let me..." he slowly trailed off before he reached over and aggressively grabbed onto my hand again and place both our hands in his lap as he began playing with my fingers and he let out a small huff.

He was quite cute as he sat there with a pout on his face, just sitting and playing with our fingers, looking like it was the most interesting thing ever.

"Why can't we?" he quietly spoke eventually.

"You're gonna debut for sure," I shrugged at him, "you shouldn't have a girlfriend or be dating if you're too debut."

"But... but... we don't even know if I'll debut," he reminded as he looked up at me with big eyes.

"A miracle has to happen for you to not debut," I reminded him, "you'll debut for sure."

"And even if I do... I'd give it up in a heartbeat if that means I can be with you," he rambled within seconds making me softly smile at him before shaking my head, "no, no, no, you can't do this to me Ji! You can't! You promised me... I need you to be there with me every step of that way! You hear me? I need you to be there!"

"Jungwon I-" I started and he immediately shook his head before cupping my face.

"Please... I'll keep it a secret till enternity if it just means that I'm the only one who gets to hold you and the only one who gets to kiss you... hold your hand... as long as I'm the only one who belongs to you... I'll never tell anyone," he quietly begged making me softly smile at him, "can't we at least give it a shot?"

"Okay..." I breathed out with a small nod making a small smile immediately spread on his face, "on one condition."

"What? Anything," he immediately insisted.

"We're both debuting," I stated and he immediately nodded, "if it ever gets public I want us to be around each other so we can help each other through the backlash and such... but can we at least go on one date as well?"

"Of course," he widely grinned, "we'll both debut then so we can be together at any chance! I'll do anything!"

"Then... let it be your motivation to do well on the test tonight," I urged and he immediately nodded as I smiled softly at him.

"Are you scared of dating me?" he questioned and I slowly nodded at him, "why?"

"I'm scared of what people will say when they find out," I admitted making him let out a small huff at me before he reached down and grabbed onto my hand in a secure hold.

"You don't have to be scared... you know why?" he questioned with a small smile and I slowly shook my head at him, "because I'll be your boyfriend and I'll do everything I can to protect you from any mean people there'll come your way... try and close your eyes, for me... real quick."

"Why?" I let out a small laugh at him.

"Just do it," he happily urged and I let out a small laugh before humming and closing my eyes, "okay... and I want you to imagine yourself... and then... imagine a bit and nasty monster standing face to face with you," he stated making me let out another small laugh before nodding, signalling I had done so, "and then... I want you to imagine me standing in front of you between the monster and you... you know what I'm doing?"

"No," I shook my head with a small smile, having a hunch about what he was talking about.

"I am fighting that monster, because it is trying to get to you and crush you... but I'm your knight in shining armour, who will never let anything evil touch you," he happily stated making me smile.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I questioned making him drag out a long hum.

"Hold on..." he stated making me hum as I nodded. 

Jungwon didn't say anything else he just placed his lips softly on mine making me try and surpress a smile before he pulled away.

"I guess I can open my eyes now," I let out a small laugh before opening one eye to see him nod at me.

"So do you believe in us now?" he questioned and I nodded at him making him immediately lift my hand up to his mouth, so he could press a kiss to the back of it, "good... because once I have you... I'm never letting you go again."

"Okay... I trust you," I nodded at him making him softly smile at me.

"And I'll never break that trust," he assured, "now... how about we both go out and give a performance that is worth a debut spot so that I can realize that little imaginary story I gave you?"

"I'd like that," I nodded at him making him happily smile before leaning over and pressing a small kiss to my cheek.

"I can't wait to call you my girlfriend~"

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