Drunk? Definitely (1)

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Friendly reminder that these chapters is part of my 'I wrote these at 3am' crack chapters

End-february 2021

"So if our next title track is 'Drunk-Dazed', should we then know how to act when drunk?" Jake questioned.

"I do believe if you find that necessary you have someone in the group who is well aqquinted with that," Shihyuk PD-Nim stated and looked to me making me widen my eyes.

"What? Why? Why you looking at me?" I immediately panicked.

"As far as I understand you don't have a minimum drinking age," he excused making me look at him in disbelief.

I quickly rushed into the dorm and ran off the moment I had a chance before any of the boys could get a hold of me.

"Choi Jiyeon! You get back here this instant!" Heeseung's voice called out making me stop in my tracks and slowly turn to face him and the boys that all stood staring at me.

"Yes?" I questioned as I raised my eyebrows at them.

"You said you at worst had been tipsy," Heeseung stated and I nodded at him, "and now you say you actually have been full out wasted at what? 14? 15?"

"Depends on what age system we're counting in..." I hesitantly nodded at him.


"I'd say I was 16 then," I nodded at him.

"Oh my god, she's not denying it," Heeseung turned his back to me as he pinched his nose bridge.

"Okay... but I don't get why it's a problem!" I defended, "it's part of my culture the same way excessive skin care is part of... at least Sunoo's culture!" I exclaimed making Sunoo let out a small gasp.

"I'm not even mad..." Sunoo slowly admitted.

"But do you have any idea what could happen when you get so drunk you could literally pass out?" Jay questioned and I nodded at him.

"Need I remind you I've literally been served dessert wines and such since I was 12, at family gatherings," I reminded him, "I am fully aware of what alcohol does to you. And why do you even care? I haven't touched one drop alcohol while I've known you."

"Is that so?" he arched a brow at me.

"Okay... maybe the wine my mom sent at Christmas, but I haven't even opened it because I don't like wine," I clarified, "I don't get why it's a big deal."

"It's a big deal because people could've hurt you! When was the times you got drunk?" Sunghoon questioned making me sigh.

"At parties..." I hesitantly replied, "you know... people my age... and sometimes a bit older."

"Older?!" he screeched at me making me close my eyes tightly.

"Okay... okay... so what? I've been drunk out of my mind, wasted, throwing up in a bush or whatever that thing was that one time, and so what? I haven't drunken any alcohol since I became a trainee!" I defended as they all just stared at me, "want me to compare it to something you know more?" they all just stayed silent, "okay... I'll do that... the drinking culture I've been used to is no different from the dangers of the dieting culture that was forced down upon me the moment I stepped foot in this country. It is just whether I starve to death or die of alcohol poisoning, and I'm sorry to say, but I see the chances of me starving as bigger than me dying of alcohol poisoning. I know how much alcohol my body can handle before I pass out, I don't know for how long I can literally starve before I collapse. So in theory I think you should be a lot more worried everytime someone tells me to lose weight."

"Boom," Niki quietly commented from the back line, where the three youngest boys stood, whilst the four oldest just stood as an offense. As if they were guarding the other three.

"Hyung... I'm sorry, but that made so much sense!" Sunoo gasped at me, "Sunny? I'm on your side!"

"Thank you!" I stated and gestured to him, "has my point gotten across? I'm not gonna break the law and drink while I'm here, okay?"

"But when you go home?" Sunghoon questioned.

"Isn't drinking part of this culture too? Isn't it pretty big?" I questioned him.

"Only when you're legal," he nodded at me.

"And technically I'm allowed to drink if I go home... I can even buy it if I want to," I reminded him, "and so I should be allowed to drink it, even if you're not there."

"Can I say something?" Jungwon spoke up and we all looked to him, "if we all want to know how to act drunk for our comeback... isn't Ji the most obvious person to ask? If you think about it we're at an advantage because she apparently have so much experience with it."

"I think our best way of finding out would be if we try and get drunk," Sunoo nodded.

"Not you three," Jay quickly corrected before the four older boys looked between each other silently agreeing on one thing, "she has already gotten three of us tipsy when we got legal... I don't see a problem if the four of us volunteer as guinea pigs for the younger ones," Jay admitted making Heeseung hesitantly nod before he looked to me.

"What's the fastes way to get drunk?" he questioned and I blinked a few times as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"The last meal you ate was lunch, yeah?" I questioned before looking at the time and the four of them nodded, "I'd say... a good mix between perhaps... vodka and bacardi," I shrugged at them, "if you drink on empty stomach it goes pretty fast."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll go get it," Heeseung sighed before walking back out to the hallway and the front door closed.

"Sorry, but I need to know... am I getting the four of you drunk?" I questioned and pointed to the three older boys that now was left.

"I simply can't believe this," Sunghoon shook his head.

"Sunoo be a sweetie and get the glasses from the kitchen, bring them into the living room, this is gonna be so so so fun," I happily laughed before skipping down to the living room.

"You're absolutely insane, you know that, right?" Jungwon questioned as he and Niki followed after me, "getting the hyungs drunk."

"What's life without a little fun Pretty Boy?" I happily questioned him as I pulled out the tea table in the living room as Sunoo returned with the four glasses and handed them to me.

"So... what's the big plan?" Sunoo questioned in amusement.

"Test who is the weakest when it comes to drinking," I casually shrugged, "I'm betting on Jay, from past experiences."

"I bet Heeseung hyung," Niki raised his arm.

"I think Sunghoon-ie hyung is the weakest though," Jungwon sighed.

"Screw it I'm betting on Heeseung hyung too," Sunoo agrred with Niki making me just grin widely at them as we waited for Heeseung to return and the three other boys to collect themselves for what they were in for.

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