Part 1

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"How many more of these do we have to do, Doc?" Paul asked, irritated

"It's just a small interview, and then you'll sign for the kids and be on your way, suck it up," Doc replied

Paul grinned at the man as the two looked for Gene. They had been on a non-stop press tour to release the new box set, and Paul was over being asked the same questions and telling the same bull shit answers. He needed to be back at home with his kid and adjust to life as a single man.

"There is he is! " Doc said as he pointed at the bassist.

Paul stopped in his tracks at the sight of the woman standing with Gene. The woman was young and a knockout in the looks department, causing Paul to forget about his previous complaint or thoughts on getting home. That old familiar beast had been awakened, and Paul wanted to get to know this girl in one way.

He moved to the other side of the room, watching as Gene and the woman interacted with one another, as the singer did his best to pay attention to his manager and another member of the team. Paul grinned as he listed the woman giving Gene a run for his money, something neither of them had ever really encountered.

"You can't shake hands like that," Gene said as he held the woman's hand.

"What are you talking about we just did?"The woman asked

"That has no cultural relevance to you and me, that, Yo what's up," The bassist replied, waving his hand around.

"You're good. You should do a rap album," The woman countered.

"You mean wrapping presents for Christmas? I can do that," Gene said

Paul bit his lip to stifle himself from laughing at the comeback that you hit Gene with. He looked out of the corner of his eye, seeing Gene looking confused at the young woman, as Doc and other people around them nervously laughed.

"Hey Paul, come over and do this VH1 thing with Y/N, then we will go in there and sign autographs," Doc asked.

Paul walked over to the other three watching as Gene held on to the woman's hand. Feeling a small twitch of jealousy hit as he took his place next to the bassist. Paul watched the interaction for a few minutes looking from your face to your waist, knowing how to get your attention focused on him.

" You gotta shake this way as they did in the old ways to keep you from drawing your weapon," Gene said.

Paul moved and grabbed you by the waist and dipped you down, feeling himself grin as you froze for a moment and then relaxed in his arms. Both of you staring at each other for a few seconds, and that old spark started going into overdrive in the singer.

"Hi," Paul said, still holding eye contact.

"Well, that's another way to say hello," You replied as the singer pulled you back up to stand behind him.

"Hi, how are you?" Paul asked the cameraman

He glanced over at both his bandmate and manager, looking at him in shock at his actions. Paul knew it was unusual for them to see him being the one to act out like a hormone raging teenager during interviews. Usually, Gene, everyone was trying to keep in check.

"So, are we standing or sitting for this interview?" You asked, looking around.

"Anything you want, you're with VH1," Paul replied

"Just stand beside the two of them!" The cameraman snapped

"Okay, okay, let me just take my gear off. I'm all hot now.." You started

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