Part 45- The End

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(Paul POV)

The Next Day

The singer slept in the chair beside your hospital bed, trying to tune out the sound of the machines in your room. The doctors had given you enough pain medicine to knock out a horse. You moved in your bed waking up Paul and he moved in the chair to see you opening your eyes a bit. Paul stood up from his chair and walked over to the bed, grabbing your hand as you smiled up at him with sleepy eyes. He bent down and kissed the side of your face before taking a seat back in his chair.

"What happened?" You asked

"Honey, I don't think we should talk about this right now. You were just in a terrible accident because of that son of a bitch." Paul replied.

"I want to go home," You whispered

"I know baby, I want to to talk to you about something okay. Are you ready to really listen to me?" the singer asked.

You sat up in the bed and nodded your head slowly, making the guitarist smile even more at you. He scooted the chair closer to the bed and took your hand, kissing the top of it before holding it against his face. Paul cleared his throat, trying to find the words to ask you to come home with him. He wiped the tears forming in his eyes as he thought back to the last couple of days and the hell the two of you went through because of your crazy ex. You coughed loudly, making the singer jump slightly, and he looked at you, seeing the tears in your eyes.

"Are you going to break up with me?" You asked

"What? Absolutely not, baby. I was going to ask you to move home with me after the concert. We have a couple weeks off before the tour starts, then you can go on the road with me, take photos and record the experience with Tommy," the singer rattled.

Paul looked at you and felt his heart swell as you looked back at him with tears in your eyes as you thought about the singer's question. He brought your hand to his mouth again and kissed it before he rubbed his thumb over the top of it, seeing your smile grow on your face. You nodded your head at him, making the guitarist jump out of his chair and slam his mouth against yours. The two of you cried as Paul kissed your mouth repeatedly, feeling the excitement overtaking his body. You moved your hands to his hair, pulling it slightly as you opened your mouth to the guitarist. The two of you explored each other mouths slowly, as pauls hands roamed across your body. The two of you didn't hear the door open until a male cleared his throat, making Paul jump away from you.

"Well, I'm glad to see you are feeling better Y/N" Robbie said, walking into the room with a huge smile on his face

"I am going to get going to rehearsal and to talk to the band about your new job. Ill let you tell Robbie the good news," Paul replied, kissing your forehead.

"Wait, I want you to be here when I tell him," You said grabbing his hand

"What are you two getting married after a month of being together?" Robbie said with a laugh.

"No, but I am moving to California to be with Paul and work for the band!" You replied.

Robbie let out a big shriek and grabbed the guitarist, hugging him tightly as the younger man jumped around. Paul laughed and pulled away from the other man, glad to see the excitement from your best friend. The singer gave you one last kiss before walking out the door and heading toward the elevator, feeling the happiest he had since his divorce. 

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