Part 2

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2 hours later

Paul waited patiently in the backseat of the vehicle for Doc to bring you to him. The excitement built up in the singer as he caught a glimpse of you walking toward the limo. Finally, getting a complete view of your outfit, a tight leather mini skirt and sweater showing all your curves and leaving very little to the man's imagination.

"Hi," Paul said as the door opened.

He slid over, giving you room to climb in beside him, as he gave a slight wave to his manager. Paul wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you turned and flashed a shy smile. He listened as Doc gave the driver directions before slamming the door, and the car sped off.Paul ran his fingers down your shoulder, slightly brushing his thumb across the back of your neck and ear. The small twitch hitting him below the belt as the goosebumps rose off your skin again, and you leaned into the singer's touch.

"Come here," He requested as he pulled you toward him.

Paul smiled as you moved to his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. He stared up at you, slowly running his thumb across the soft exposed skin on your hip. You ran your fingers across the back of Paul's neck, causing a chill to course through him. His pants growing semi-tight and the simple touch.

"Comfortable?" Paul asked.

"Mhhm," you said as you shook your head.

"Good," He whispered.

The two of you sat quietly for a few moments before Paul moved his lips up to your neck, blowing softly against the skin just below your ear. He chuckled as your hand tightened around the collar of his jacket, and you tilted your chin upward. He took his chance and pressed feather-soft kisses to your neck, moving up to your ear, taking the lobe between his teeth, pulling it firmly, and then tracing his tongue around it.

You adjusted yourself in the singer's lap, taking Paul by surprise as you brushed your lips against his mouth, then pulled back, looking the singer straight in the eye. He definitely hadn't expected you to be bold enough to kiss him first. Paul moved his hands to your face and pulled you to him, pressing his mouth against yours softly at first as that spark turned into a flame.

The small innocent kiss turned into a heated and wet one as Paul ran his tongue across your bottom lip, moving it in quickly as you gasped. You moved your legs to sit on either side of Paul's hip as he felt your hands move into his short black hair tugging at it softly. Each of your tongues exploring the other ones as he moved his hands to your hips, flexing his own upwards as his dick hardened.

You broke the kiss giving Paul a much-needed break to catch his breath. He closed his eyes and let out a pleased sigh until you moved off of his lap. The singer opened an eye as he watched the partition go up, causing him to look over at you, a devilish grin dancing across your face. Paul grinned and patted his lap for you to retake your place, but you shook your head at him.He tilted his head to the side as he watched you move closer to him. Feeling the goosebumps rise as you brushed your lips against the left side of his neck Paul turned his head to kiss you but was stopped when you placed your finger to his lips and shook your head no again.

The singer let out a shaky sigh as your lips continued your attack on his neck. Switching from delicate kisses to firm bites on it. Paul looked at you as you moved down, pressing a small trail of kisses on his clothed chest down to the hem of his shirt, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. Paul grinned, watching as you moved to kneel in front of him and slowly undid the buckle of his belt.

As Paul leaned back against the headrest as you two still kept your eyes locked, the driver came to a sudden halt, causing you to lurch forward and your head to collide with Paul's crotch.

"Damnit, Are you okay?" Paul asked.

"Talk about a mood killer," you laughed.

Paul chuckled at the comment and shook his head. He moved over in his spot, pulling you to him again to straddle his hips. The singer moves his hand between you and undoes his button on his jeans. Keeping eye contact with you, he moved his hand underneath your leather miniskirt, slowly rubbing your thighs sliding closer to your panties.

He loved the feeling of you trembling over the top of him at the slightest touch. It had been years since he had been in the company of a young and beautiful woman who seemed willing to do anything. Paul moved your panties to the side, sliding two fingers inside, brushing up against your folds, feeling how wet you were. Your head leaned against his shoulder as Paul slowly moved his fingers tips brushing them across your clit.

You let out a shaky sigh hiding your face deeper into the crook of Paul's neck. The guitarist smiled against your cheek as he began rubbing small circles against the sensitive bud. Paul moved one of his digits inside of you, pumping it slowly, and grabbed your face with his other hand. His smile growing more prominent as you bit your lip, eyes closed tightly, giving in to the pleasure.

Paul moved his mouth onto yours, kissing you harshly as he pushed a second finger inside of your wet pussy, stifling a moan himself as you thrust against his fingers. Your hands moving to his hair, pulling it tightly. Taking his thumb and continuing to rub firmly against your clit as he bit into your neck, sucking hard against the bite. With the metallic taste of blood feeling his mouth, the singer had no care if he left a mark. Paul knew from his reputation you would leave sore, so why not have something else to remember him by.

"Guess the mood wasn't ruined, huh?" Paul whispered, in between placing kisses on your neck.

"I want you," you sputtered.

The singer let out a groan at your answer and kissed you one more time before removing his fingers. Paul took a deep breath, trying to control the moment so he wouldn't embarrass himself. The singer went to unzip the fly of his zipper. He was painfully hard, wanting to bury his cock deep inside of you.

Paul moved your panties to the side again as he freed his dick from its cage. Feeling you let out a nervous sigh above him, making the singer look up at you, searching for anything that would tell him to stop.

"Are you sure?" Paul asked,

"Yes. I'm sorry it's been a while," you admitted looking away.

Paul grabbed your chin with his finger and pulled it up for you to look at him. Feeling the excitement continue to grow in his gut at the semi innocent look dancing across your face. The singer licked his lips before biting them.

"Don't worry, okay? I'll be gentle and take my time," Paul said with a wink.

The car came to a halt again just as you began to open your mouth and give Paul an answer. Both of you quickly moved to fix your disheveled clothing, groaning as the engine shut off and footsteps walked toward the door.

"Thank god no more interruptions, we are here," Paul said as he got out of the limo.He grabbed your hand and pulled you alongside him as the two of you headed toward the elevator leading to his room.

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