Part 43

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(Paul POV)

Paul hung up his phone and threw it on the bed before sinking down onto the floor and bursting into tears. The two of you had only been together for less than a month, yet he felt more in love with you than he had anyone in his entire life. A knock sounded at the door, pulling the guitarist from his thoughts, and he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes before the singer climbed up from the floor and strolled to the door. The guitarist took a deep breath and opened the door to find both Gene and Doc standing at the door. Paul growled and attempted to slam the door back in the two men's faces, but the bassist caught the door and pushed it back open as Doc walked inside the room.

"When was the last time you let housekeeping in this room? It looks like a tornado hit," Doc said.

"What do you two want? I really don't want to talk to anyone right now! I'm trying to make sure my girlfriend gets home safe thanks to my brother here," Paul replied.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Paul, that I had nothing to do with her disappearing? Now we need to talk about the show, so come down and have dinner with us," Gene said.

"I need to go to the bank and deliver this money to this son of a bitch in about two hours. So I don't have time to sit in on a meeting." the singer replied

"Paul, come on man, let it go this probably some game she's playing to extort you for money," the bassist said

Paul growls and grabbed the bassist by the shirt and dragged him toward the door, swinging it open and tossing him out, then turned around to face Doc who held his hands up and hurried out the door slamming it shut behind him. The singer ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm his breathing for a moment. Another knock sounded at the door, causing the guitarist to jump slightly before swinging the door open to find Robbie standing in front off of him with a paper sack.

"Did you bring what I asked you to?" Paul asked as he waved the man in

"Open it up and look. Have you heard from Joey at all?" Robbie asked, as he took a seat on the couch.

"Yup, he gave me the address and want one million dollars to let her go. I could hear her screaming in the background again. When this is all over, hopefully she will move to California with me," the singer replied.

"Oh, she's going if I have to go with her," Robbie said with a chuckle

"You and Dave are more than welcome to come out," Paul replied

He took a seat across from Robbie and opened the bag, feeling his heart race as he reached in and felt the cold metal of the pistol. The singer's thoughts went to little Evan and what would happen to him if everything went more sideways than they already had? Paul knew he loved you and getting you away from that monster of an ex-boyfriend was the most important thing at the present moment. He quickly closed the bag and walked back to the bedroom and grabbed his cell phone, punching in the number to his ex-wife's house. Paul paced the room, waiting for the phone to be picked up.

"Hi daddy!" Evan said after a few minutes

"Hi my boy, daddy was just thinking about you and wanted to see how you were doing," Paul replied

The singer smiled and sat down on the bed as he listened to his only son tell him about his new friends at school. For once in the last few days, he felt at peace knowing one person he loved was safe and happy. Paul wiped the tears from his eyes as he listen hoping that in the next few days he could introduce you to his little boy. Robbie knocked on the door, making Paul open his eyes, and pulled the phone away from his ear.

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to get going soon," Robbie whispered

"Hey Evan, daddy has to get to ready for an interview. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you son so much," Paul said

"I love you too Daddy. see you in four days" Evan replied before hanging up the phone

"Let's go," Paul said, walking toward the living room and grabbing the paper sack off the floor

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