Part 9

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(Reader POV)

You let out a groan and covered your face, trying to come up with an excuse for the voicemail, knowing there was no way to talk yourself out of this predicament. Robbie grabbed your arm and pulled you over to the couch, forcing you to sit down. You shook your head and watched as he walked toward the kitchen, knowing he was looking for booze and snacks to hear about your night with Paul Stanley. He turned the corner, holding a bottle of wine, glasses, and chocolate.

"Okay, so you slept with the hottest man in the band. How was it?" Robbie asked, sitting down next to you, pouring a glass of wine.

"Wow, Robbie! No questions about the interview, just how the man was in bed," you replied.

"Bitch, I asked you how the interview was. You just left out the behind-the-scenes moment you had with him. Now tell me! It's about time you got some, though, because you've been a really stress ball lately." He told you.

You punched him in the arm, making the two of you laugh. Picking up the wineglass and taking a huge drink of it as your mind drifted back to that night from the harmless flirting, the car ride, the being in bed with the singer. You wondered how much you should tell your best friend, knowing Robbie would tell anyone and everyone he could about your business. With the singer being in the position he was in, you didn't know if it were something you or Paul would want out in the public eye.

"I mean, it was just flirting that turned into me being in his room. To answer your vulgar question about how he was in bed. It was amazing! The man is very talented, to say the least, and age is just a number." You replied.

"I've seen the man, Y/N. He may be pushing fifty, but he looks like he is in his twenties. I can only imagine how he was." Robbie started fanning himself.

The two of you stayed silent for a bit, drinking another glass of wine. Your mind raced, wondering why the singer had decided to call you back. Paul could shack up with anyone in the world. Why would he want someone in their late twenties that was in the media? Robbie patted your leg, pulling you from your thoughts as you looked up at him, trying to focus on what he was saying.

"Are you going to call him back?" He asked.

"I don't know. Should I do it? Maybe he's just calling to be nice, do the letdown," you replied

"Yes, Paul Stanley, the biggest rock star in the world, is just calling to say no thanks. If you're so worried, why did you leave your number?" Robbie replied.

"He challenged me." You shrugged.

"Well, he accepted it, so go to your room and call the man. I promise I won't listen at the door if you give me the details later." He told you, holding out his pinkie.

You hooked your pinkie with him and moved off the couch, walking toward your bedroom. Shutting the door, you went straight to your bedside table and grabbed your phone. You looked through the missed calls and texts, seeing multiple from Joey and Sheila wondering where you were at for the meeting. Your eyes landed on the two messages from Paul grinning to yourself. He was just as cocky in a text message as he was face to face. "Called your bluff, see you in two weeks," the message read.

Clicking your tongue, you paced back and forth in your room, trying to think of what to say when you called the singer. Somehow Paul had an effect on you that no one else you had been with, even a one-night stand. You didn't want to come off dumb when you spoke to him. Another thing you had never worried about when in the company of someone or just talking to them. Taking a deep breath, you hit the redial and brought the device to your ear.

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