Part 25

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You watched both Paul and Joey stare at each other for a moment, and the singer's eyebrows raised up like he was challenging the younger man to make a move. After a few intense moments, Dave cleared his throat, breaking the three of you apart and turning your attention to your best friends. Paul looked over his shoulder at the hostess and nodded his head, all while snaking his arm around your waist. The young woman waved the group toward the back, with Paul taking the lead of the group. You leaned up to his ear, catching Robbie grinning at you as he held Dave's hand.

"If you can behave like you are now, we will skip the club with Dave and Robbie and do some dancing of our own." You whispered.

"Oh, that son of a bitch has it coming to him and we will keep our promise to our friends even if it's an hour. If you handle everything that happens for the rest of the night. I may have a surprise for you tomorrow while I'm at your office." Paul whispered back.

"But what about earlier? I didn't get my turn with you," You asked, following Paul into the private room.

"Oh, princess, you'll have plenty of time tonight, tomorrow, and then on the west coast," Paul replied.

You felt your mouth hang open, staring at the guitarist's cocky response as he pulled out a chair for you. Grinning at him softly, you took a seat, feeling his lips automatically go to your cheek. The room remained mildly quiet as everyone adjusted to their spot for the next couple of hours. You looked up, seeing Joey sitting on the other side of the singer, directly across from you, with a sly smirk on his face.

"Would you mind going ahead and bringing out the wine I normally order? The bartender will know which one?" Paul asked.

"Yes, sir," The young woman replied, before closing the door

"Didn't I tell you? Paul was humble and so cool to hang out with? Dave, you should have been with us shopping today! The man has style and could really help your lame closet out." Robbie said.

"I'm always happy to go shopping, and maybe this one will go with us too? An afternoon date before I have to go back to the west coast," Paul replied.

"Wait, I thought Y/N and Joey were following the band for another interview in California," Robbie asked

"That is the plan, but you guys won't be there for that one, and I'd like to hang out with everyone here. Joey, do you want to come along as well?" Paul asked.

"No thanks, you don't have to buy my friendship, or sweet talk me into spreading my legs for you. Nothing makes my stomach turn than the thought of spending more time with you or your washed up band." Joey replied, grabbing a glass of water.

"Does not have to be a shopping trip. What is the going rate for your hooker? Do you guys have an established rate? since your hand doesn't look too hairy from here." Paul countered.

"Guys enough. Joey, did you get everything done for the band meeting tomorrow? I'll be there early to review with you and Sheila. I really don't want to embarrass our team in front of the band." You said, clearing your throat.

"I think by doing all but dry humping on camera with this joker embarrassed the team enough, but hey you've always been one to set the bar high for yourself." Joey said, winking at you.

Paul grabbed his glass of water, taking a huge drink of it, giving a chance for the mood in the room to change. You looked at your best friend motioning for Robbie to pick a new topic. The man looked at you and shrugged his shoulders before elbowing his own boyfriend and whispering in Dave's ear. You moved your hand underneath the table, grasping Paul's thigh and rubbing your hand up and down it, moving your fingertips just at an angle to graze his cock.

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