Part 39

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(Paul POV)

"Stay with Robbie until your cameraman gets here, okay? I've gotta rehearse with the band," Paul asked as he held your hand

The two of you walked down the long hallway of the stadium toward the stage. It overwhelmed the singer with anxiety both for the show and for you as the two of you waited to hear from the private investigator. You rolled your eyes at the guitarist, making Paul's blood boil slightly. He looked around the area for a moment, making sure no one was around before he pushed you up against the wall, taking your breath away. He ran his hand down your face slowly, feeling you tremble underneath his touch. It reminded him of the first night the two of you were together. Paul parted your legs with his knee and pushed himself closer to you, inching his mouth closer to your ear.

"Can you behave or am I going to have to fuck this little investigator spirit out of you?" Paul whispered into your ear.

You moved your face to capture the singer's lips, making him chuckle. Paul moved his lips toward your ear lobe and took it in between his teeth, nipping it gently. He moved his hands to your hips, stopping you from bucking them forward, as he continued to attack your ear. You moved your hands up to the man's hair, pulling it roughly. The guitarist broke away from your ear and moved his lips to hover above yours, smiling as you kept trying to force his face toward yours. He moved his face away and grabbed your hands with one of his, holding them above your head.

"Kiss me dammit," you hissed

"Not until you agree to behave yourself," Paul replied

"I promise" You said

Paul leaned forward and kissed the side of your face, making you growl out in frustration. The singer laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the wall just as Gene and Doc came around the corner looking extremely pissed off. Paul looked at you and then at the two men, waiting to hear what they had to say. Doc motioned for the singer to follow him, while Gene stayed back smiling in your face, instantly pissing the guitarist off. The guitarist stopped in his tracks and reached for your hand, pulling you toward him.

"Come on, whatever Doc has to say he can say it in front of you," Paul replied

"I'm actually going to wait for Robbie. I told him I would meet him in your dressing room so he didn't have to look around for us. Besides, you need to focus on opening night," You said.

"I'll show her to your dressing room" Gene replied as he offered you his arm

"That better be all you show her," Paul replied as he turned on his heels to follow his manager.

Paul let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through his hair as he waited for his longtime manager to explain whatever news he had for the two of you. Doc led the singer over to a set of chairs and pointed for Paul to take a seat next to him. The singer shook his head and leaned against the wall, wanting to walk if anger suddenly hit him. The older man cleared his throat and began speaking, making Paul's head spin.

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