Part 16

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Paul led you through the lobby of his hotel with his hand wrapped around your slender waist. He looked out of the corner of his eye, noticing the same shy smile and nervous blush on your face. It was the same one that made the singer lose mind. Pressing the call button, Paul pulled you to the side to stand in front of the singer while you waited. The singer wrapped his arms around your waist and put his chin lightly on your shoulder, seeing the nervous smile grow wider.

"Why are you nervous now? You were all about me in the car," Paul whispered in your ear.

"Oh, like you weren't all about me? Your poor driver deserves a big tip for having to be scared by that performance. I'm nervous but in a good way." You replied, pushing your ass into his crotch

The singer groaned and nipped your ear roughly, just as the doors of the elevator opened. Paul let go of your waist and pulled you on to the elevator, quickly pressing the last floor button. You moved to the back of the lift, folding your arms in front of your chest. He ran a hand through his hair and licked his lips, feeling his dick twitch at just the simple sight. Paul joined you in the back, standing in front of you, grinning down at you.

"Hi," you whispered.

"Hi back," Paul whispered.

He took a stray strand piece of hair hanging in your face and slipped it back behind your ear. Grinning at the slight shudder that left you, as the singer trailed his fingers softly down your neck and across your chin, making you lean into his touch. Paul bent down and nipped your lip, nibbling on it for a moment. You put your hands on his face, looking him square in the eye, and then crashed your mouth into the man's lips. Paul leaned his body into yours, running his hand down your thigh, while your tongues moved around each other, and you took control of the kiss. The guitarist grabbed your leg and wrapped it around his waist, breaking the kiss for a moment to see how long the two of you had until Paul had you underneath him again.

"Getting bored with me already?" You asked.

"You and that mouth of yours, baby girl. I'm gonna have so much fun fucking that sass right out of you, even if it takes me all night," Paul replied.

"We will see about the all-nighter, you've traveled three thousand miles and I have work in six hours," You told him, looking down at your watch

"Actually, you don't. We will go up there the day before the concert with the full band, but other than that you're with me any way you please." Paul said, winking.

The singer leaned his head against yours, biting his lip, as Paul moved his fingers slowly up your thigh, feeling the nervous tremble as he inched closer to your panties. He brushed two fingers across the front of your underwear, already feeling soaked you were from the simple kissing. A nervous sigh escaped your lips as Paul slid your panties to the side, running his thumb across your clit, running small circles against the sensitive bud. You grabbed the singer by his hair, pulling him closer, biting into his clothed shoulder as the singer continued his attack, adding in a finger and pumping it in and out of you.

"You're so wet for me, baby girl. You want to cum, huh?" Paul whispered into your ear.

"Oh god please," You murmured.

"I think you can hold out for a little longer," He replied, pulling his finger away from you.

"You're an asshole," You said, pouting at him.

"You keep running your mouth like that, and you can wait until the morning," the singer replied.

"Oh, and how is that going to help your little problem?" You asked.

Paul looked down at his pants and then up at you with a slight shrug. The elevator door dinged and opened on the singer's floor as Paul turned back to you, enjoying the frustrated pout on your face. He stepped out the doors and waited for you to join him, watching as you debated whether to go with him. Clicking your tongue and shaking your head, you stepped off the lift and took his hand, walking toward the hotel room.

"Welcome to my home for the next week," Paul said as he opened the door.

"Pretty nice place for entertaining guests," You replied, taking a seat on the couch.

"Um, you mean a guest, sweetheart. You will be the only female company that will be in here." The singer said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, sure. Have you seen how good looking you are? Women are going to be lining the backstage area just to have a night with the newly divorced Star Child. Now, they won't be as good or last as long as I do in bed with you, but they will still want that chance still." You replied with a smirk.

"Of course I know how good looking I am. I tell myself every day in the mirror, Y/N. Yes, I am divorced, and a little more mature, so I don't feel the need to bang everyone in sight. That's why I wanted this friendship with you more than just the good sex, though excellent job complimenting yourself there. I thought I was going to have to mention how good you were." Paul said, with a wink.

"Why don't you finish what you started in the elevator? Give me a little reminder of how good you are." You asked, patting the spot next to you.

The singer felt the teenage hormones rush in and sweep across him, and your words made his dick harden. He looked at you and shrugged, before walking over to the mini fridge and pulling out two bottles of water. Paul had started the little game with you in the elevator. He wanted to see how long he could ride it out before you broke or he gave into his own urges. Placing the two water bottles on the small coffee table, Paul took a seat at the far in of the couch.

"You really are enjoying this little game, aren't you?" You asked.

"I dont know what you are talking about, Y/N. You asked me to sit down on the couch and that is what I'm doing." Paul replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay," You replied, standing up.

Paul snapped his head up and watched as you walked behind the couch, running your hand slowly across the back of it until you reached his shoulders. You brushed your fingers softly down the back of his neck, making it hard for the guitarist to steady his breathing. Bending down, you moved your mouth to Paul's ear, taking the lobe between your teeth and nibbling it. The singer felt his dick grow harder from the little move.

"Call me when you can handle finishing what you started." You whispered, kissing his cheek.

You patted his shoulder and walked toward the door, twisting the handle slowly. Paul jumped up from the couch and shook his head at you, seeing the small smirk on your face. He jerked your hand off of the handle and flipped you around, pushing your back into the door and held your hands above your head. You looked back at him with the innocent look, biting your bottom lip and fluttering your eyelashes at him. The singer slammed his lips on to yours and pushed his tongue into your mouth. You tried to dominate the kiss, moving your own tongue against Paul's, but quickly lost, as he flexed his hips up, hitting your core with his erection. You broke the kiss, trying to catch your breath as Paul flashed a knowing smirk at you.

"I think its time for that attitude adjustment, we've been talking about." Paul replied, as he grabbed your hand and led you toward the bedroom.

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