Part 31

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(Paul POV)

"Fuck this. I'm not waiting for them to come up," Paul said, pulling his wallet out of his pocket.

"Mr. Stanley, I think it would be best to let security handle Joseph. We don't know the whole situation." Sheila replied, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not scared of that son of a bitch. I just want to make sure my friend is okay," Paul said sternly.

He took a card from his wallet and moved toward the door, inserting it between the crack of the door. After dealing with Evan locking himself into rooms and sending both the singer and his ex-wife into a fit of panic, Paul had called his own father for advice on how to do the simple break in. He moved the card back and forth, moving his head closer to the door, listening for the lock to click. After a few moments, the handle moved with ease in the singer's hand, making him smile slightly to himself.

"I'm in" Paul replied,

"How in the hell did you manage that?" Sheila asked.

"I have a six-year-old that likes to lock himself in rooms when he's mad." The singer replied with a shrug.

"Handy trick, now are you going to go in there, or do you want to wait for security?" She asked.

Paul pointed to the door and held his finger to his mouth as he slowly opened the door. The singer felt his heartbeat kick up at the sight of a crumpled body laying by the front of a table in the office. Paul slammed open the door and flipped on the light, seeing you with a bruised face and blood dripping from the side of your hand. He quickly ran to your side, taking two of his fingers to your throat, and checked for a pulse.

"Y/N, Sweetheart can you hear me" Paul asked, shaking you gently

The singer found a slow beat of your pulse and slowly let out a sigh of relief. He moved your face from side to side to check the extent of your wounds just as the door pushed open more, revealing Sheila and two security guards. Sheila covered her mouth at the sight in front of her while one guard quickly pulled out his walkie talkie, calling for a paramedic.

"Could he be hiding anywhere in this room?" one man asked

"Do you see me laid out next to her?" Paul asked, shaking your shoulders again

"Why don't you go ask the employees out front if they saw him go out anywhere? Joseph Matthews is his name badge 6950." Sheila directed.

Paul watched the other man walk out of the room, pulling his notepad out of his back pocket. The singer rose to his feet and ran a hand through his shaggy black hair. Everything was hitting him like a speeding train, his thoughts went from killing the man responsible for all of this, to his feelings for you and the safety for both you and him as Paul knew this was turning into more than just a fling for him. Paul bent back down and picked you up, moving you to the love seat across the room.

"Paul, let's get you out of here while the paramedics look Y/N over, okay?" Sheila said, pointing to the door.

"They can work, but I'm not leaving her alone." Paul replied, looking up to see the police and paramedics.

The singer moved toward the chair in front of your desk and took a seat, gesturing the men and women into the room to look over the situation. He glanced into the hallway, seeing Doc and Gene whispering back and forth to each other before looking back at the singer. Anger instantly rising in the man knowing exactly what they were discussing. Paul jumped up from his seat and jogged out the door, straight to his two best friends. He grabbed the bassist's arm and pulled him into the original meeting room, and pushed Gene to an empty chair. He looked over and noticed Ace and Peter looking at him with terror drawn across their faces.

"Boys, we need to discuss opening a job up for Y/N," Paul said

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