Part 26

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Paul listened to both men gush over the pictures of Evan as the guitarist periodically checked the door, worrying about where you had disappeared to and if Joey had finally got his way. Just as Paul went to stand up to excuse himself, you came busting through the door, holding your swollen hand with a sweaty face.

"Where's Joey at?" Paul asked, pulling out your seat for a second time

"Yeah, and what's up with your hand? It's swollen and bloody!!!" Robbie said, sticking out his tongue in disgust.

You looked over and saw Paul's eyes flash red with anger for a moment before standing up. The singer grabbed your hand gently moving it back and forth, making sure nothing was broken. He let out a deep sigh and then led you back to your seat, just as the waitress walked back into the room with menus and the wine the singer had requested. Paul held his hand up to the young woman and waved her over to him.

"Can you please bring some ice and a cloth? My friend here fell and scraped up her hand outside." Paul asked.

"Right away, Mr. Stanley." The woman replied before walking out of the room.

"Oh, my god everything is so expensive and sound so good," Robbie said in shock.

"Act your age, and not your shoe size, please? Just order something simply because you know you will just pick at it, anyway." Dave told the younger man.

The singer smiled at the comment, knowing it was one that he had used on Gene multiple times. He glanced over at you, seeing something else distracted you outside of the room. Paul slipped one of his hands under the table, running his fingers across your thigh just below the hem of the red dress. Grinning to himself at the feeling of the goosebumps rising at each touch. You looked over at the singer glaring, as he pushed your dress up a little more.

"What are you doing?" You whispered.

"If it is easier for everyone, I suggest just getting what I get. Thats what a lot of the people I bring with me do for the first time." The singer said, out loud,

"If you want to play, take me to the hotel. I have a lot of frustration to get out," You whispered again.

"Sounds great," Dave and Robbie said at the same time.

"I enjoy working you up this way, and then you'll be putty in my hands by the time I get you to the hotel. That is if I let me come home with me." paul whispered back.

"So Y/N tell us what happened, after you rushed me off," Robbie asked

The room stayed silent for a moment, giving you the vibe that all three men wanted to know what had happened between you and Joey outside. Taking a sip of wine; you looked at Paul and put your cup down, crossing your arms in front of you. Glancing around one more time, you cleared your throat and told the story.

"Joey and Robbie were bickering outside and of course my nosey ass went to break it up. Joey said some very vulgar stuff to me, and well, I blooded his nose. Ill be talking to HR tomorrow before the band shows up just to see what we can do. This shit has gone on long enough. I'm sorry Paul for ruining the evening," You said, looking down at the tablecloth.

"Dear god is he ever going to stop. Who's idea was it to bring him?" Dave asked.

The singer tried to open his mouth when the door opened and two officers stood with Joey, making your mouth go numb. With his nose lightly dripping blood, he pointed at you with the smug smile. Paul stood up from the table and made his way to the officers. Joey pointed at you and wiped his thumb under his nose for a moment before speaking.

"That woman over there socked me in the face for no reason. We used to be co-workers working on an assignment for that man's band. They let her go, and I guess wanted to get some anger out. I want to press charges." Joey muttered.

"Wait a second," the singer said.

You looked at everyone in the room wide eyed as one cop moved toward you, pulling his handcuffs off of his belt. Feeling your head spun at everything that was happening all at once. Looking at Robbie and Dave's mouth hanging open, your head moved toward Paul, seeing the anger painted on his face. The feeling of the cold, steel handcuffs on your wrist made you burst into tears as the officer led you out of the small room.

"Y/N, I'll get my lawyer and Doc down there as soon as possible." Paul shouted,

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