Part 41

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(Paul POV)

Paul stormed out of his dressing room and out to the front of the arena, seeing his bandmates standing around talking. He climbed up on the stage and grabbed the bassist by the shirt. Gene looked at the singer in shock and started trying to get Paul's hands off of him, making the guitarist tighten his grip. Paul heard Doc yelling at the two men as Paul raised his fist and socked in face, causing the older man to crumble. The guitarist dropped the bassist on the ground before walking over to his crumpled body and grabbing his shirt again.

"You are working with him, aren't you? You son of a bitch! Do you know what he's capable of doing to her, or is the band still more important than any of its members being happy?" Paul screamed.

"Paul, i dont know what you're talking about! I took her to your dressing room like you asked me to," Gene replied.

"I didn't ask you to! You offered quickly when you found us!" the singer said.

"Maybe today isn't a good day to rehearse," Ace said, walking over as he pulled the singer away from the bassist

"No, it's not because I have to go find my girlfriend and keep that bastard from killing her," Paul replied, as he pushed Ace off of him.

The singer jumped down from the stage and walked out the door, hearing footsteps behind him. He turned to see Robbie right behind him with tears in his own eyes, giving a clear sign he was just as worried about you as he was. Paul pulled out his cell phone and dialed your phone number, leaning against the wall as he listened to the phone ring repeatedly. After a few minutes, a man's voice came across the line, making the singer's blood boil.

"So Geezer, you want to play a game?" Joey asked

"You son of a bitch, where is she?" Paul hissed into the phone

"You don't get to make any demands. If you want to see this bitch alive again, you will do everything exactly as I say, and then I will think about letting you see her again. Now do you agree to these terms or should I just off this little whore now while you're on the phone with me?" Joey asked.

Paul closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, trying to calm his nerves for a moment. He felt a hand go on to his shoulder, making him jump slightly. Robbie looked at the singer confused and Paul quickly pulled the phone from his ear and placed the call on speaker, giving the younger man a chance to listen to the other mans voice for a moment. Paul let out a shaky sigh and then cleared his throat, finally ready to speak again to the man that had taken you from him.

"Alright Joey, you have a deal. What do you want me to do first?" Paul asked.

The singer looked at Robbie as the other man on the phone rattled off a list of demands for the guitarist to follow, making his knees buckle underneath him. He felt the tears roll down his face as he heard your screams in the background, making the singer's heart crumple. Paul let out another deep sigh before he wiped the tears from his face.

"Okay man, ill wait for your next call at the hotel," The singer replied before hanging up

"How does he know what hotel you guys were staying at?" Robbie asked

"One guess, my long time bandmate, that was supposed to be my brother. Come on, we gotta get back to the hotel. he's going to call again in an hour." Paul replied, waving for the man to follow him.

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