Part 23

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(Paul POV)

"You can't be mad at her, idiot! She made it clear that it was only friends with benefits. What did you expect? Stupid, you are just getting out of a marriage. Why are you trying to rush into another relationship?" Paul asked himself as he stared at his reflection.

He gripped the sink, looking down at his hands as the knuckles on each hand turned white. Paul tried to process what to do next with the whole dumb situation the guitarist allowed himself to get into. The singer thought about storming out of the apartment and not talking to you until the interviews, or invited Joey to come with the four of you, and then Paul thumb through his black book, and find another date. Just to clarify that he was playing this little game in the same way.

The singer turned on the water and splashed his face with cold water, just as a knock sounded on the door and you appeared. Paul looked at you from the mirror, seeing the panic written all over your face as he scowled back at you through the mirror. He grabbed the hand towel hanging on the wall, wiping his hands and face off, before turning to look at you. Paul crossed his arms in front of his chest, waiting for you to babble.

"That wasn't what it looks like Paul, I didn't stay behind so Joey could come over." You said.

"Oh well, to me, that exactly what it fucking looks like from my eyes. We walk in and you are pulling away from what looked like a heated kiss. Are you two fucking each other too?" Paul asked bluntly.

"God no! There's a long story there, Paul, that I don't want to get into right now. I just came in here to make sure you were okay, and if you were canceling tonight and us." You asked.

Paul ran a hand through his black hair, ruffling it around while you bit your lip, waiting for his answer. You put your hand on the doorknob and turned to walk out of the small room. The singer moved and put his hand on the door, turning you around to face him. Paul grabbed your face with one hand while reaching behind you and locking the door knob.

"You want me to leave? Cancel out everything and just see you at the interview? Treat you like every other person who comes around me?" He whispered.

"No, Just let me get rid of him, and I can give you my apology," You whispered back.

"No, He will get the point soon enough," Paul replied, letting go of your face.

You looked at him slightly confused until he placed both of his hands on either side of your head. Placing his forehead against yours, he kissed your nose, and then moved down to your lips, placing one small kiss on your mouth. Grinning slightly at the small groan that escaped your mouth, Paul leaned down to your ear, hearing the shaky breathing.

"Do you want me to take you right now? Let Joey hear who you really want to have fun with, or let him see part of it tonight at dinner?" The guitarist whispered, trailing one hand down your body.

"Both" You replied.

Paul shook his head and your response, and moved his mouth to your lips roughly, making you wrap your hands around his neck. The two of you traded the same rough kisses back and forth, sliding your tongues into each other's mouths. The singer broke the kiss to let you catch your breath and moved his mouth to your neck, biting it hard. You grabbed his hair, keeping him close to your neck, as he stayed clamped to you. You panted hard, waiting for Paul to do whatever he pleased with you.

The singer pulled away and put his head on your shoulder trying to catch his breath. You ran your hands down to his sides, down to the front of his tight jeans, running your hand softly across the bulge. Paul hissed at the feeling of your hand against his denim covered erection. Moving your hand to the button of the jeans, attempting to open them. The singer playfully smacked your hand away and looked at you with a teasing grin.

"I think you should wait until after dinner. I know exactly what we both would like for dessert." The singer replied with a wink.

Paul adjusted himself in his jeans and turned to the mirror, checking reflection quickly before turning back to you. Glaring at him and traded places with him to check the large hickey Paul had left on your neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist and bent you over the sink, both of you looking at each other's reflection in the mirror.

"Dont take your eyes off the mirror and I swear to god don't you fucking be quiet." Paul said, toying with the waistband of your sleep shorts.

The only thing you could do was nod your head at the man, surprised by the sudden change of plans he had mentioned. Paul wrapped his free hand around your throat gently, stroking it just as he had during the interview. Distracting you for a moment and leaned his mouth up to your ear, nipping and sucking your earlobe. You sighed, watching Paul keep one eye on you. Leaning your head back just as Paul's hand sunk all the way into your shorts. Letting out a shaky breath at the feeling of the singer's thumb rolling it in circles on your clit. You looked in the mirror, seeing the gleam in Paul's eyes and your mouth hanging open, fighting to keep your eyes open.

Paul ran his tongue a few more times against your neck before sinking his teeth into it, sucking it harder than he had on the other side. You moaned loudly, seeing the singer shake his head in approval as he added one of his digits inside your sensitive bud, pumping it in and out slowly, as he sucked your neck. Paul kept the same tempo with finger and thumb. He grinned at you, watching the struggle you were having of keeping your eyes open and not give in fully into the pleasure. You felt the familiar build up hitting your core, as changed his focus just to your clit.

"Are you liking this baby girl, hmm? Tell that fucker in this fucking house. Know who gets inside this tight pussy of yours," He hissed, adding a second finger and pumping them faster.

"Oh God, Paul. Please," You moaned.

"Tell me Y/N, does he get you or do I. Do you want my cock inside of that tight little cunt of yours every chance we have?" Paul replied,

"YOU! I WANT ONLY YOUR BIG DIG INSIDE ME. PLEASE JUST LET ME CUM," You begged, riding his fingers.

"Good girl," the guitarist replied, moving forward to kiss your cheek.

Paul focused on giving you what was requested, pumping both fingers in and out with slow rubs. You rode his fingers, trying to pick up the friction to bring your orgasm along. After a few minutes, you were screaming out the singer's name as he continued to pump in and out of you, letting your orgasm ride out. Finally pulling his fingers out of you. Trying to catch your breath as you looked in the mirror and watched Paul lick clean the two fingers he had just tortured you with. You shook your head and laid it down on the cool counter.

"You know I really love the taste of you, but the best thing is hearing how my name just rolls off of that tongue of yours. Dont think this discussion is over about where we stand on these friends with benefits thing either." Paul replied, making another adjustment to his pants, and walking out the door.

You shook your head and listened to the three men talk back and forth for a couple of minutes. Looking back at your red face in the mirror, you turned on the water, splashing some of it across your face. You knew after being with Paul the last couple of times there was no contest on who you wanted to continue along with. The only worry was getting overly concerned about getting attached to your ultimate choice.

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