Part 22

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"Did they date or something, and he can't get over her?" Paul asked,

"They did date and his family helped Y/N a lot, or still do, I think. So he feels like he has open access." Robbie replied, looking at the ground.

Paul nodded his head and picked up his coffee cup, drinking the rest of it while trying to control the thoughts in his head. The guitarist couldn't understand why he already wanted you more than he said, the stupid friends with benefits. Paul knew he needed to dig in more into the Joey subject, but didn't want to trigger anything or for you to push him away more. He thought back to the seventies and eighties when it was much easier to bang someone and then send them on their way.

"Do you want to go back to the apartment or go to the clothing store?" Robbie asked.

"Oh, I was definitely wanting to hit the clothing store. I can always use more clothes and we need a nice dress shirt for tonight." the guitarist replied, standing up and throwing his trash away.

The two men started walking down the street, staying silent for a while, both lost in thought and wanting to ask a question. Paul pointed at the first store for them to hit and stopped to hold the door open for the younger man. The guitarist already saw the younger women blushing at him, as the two of them walked in. Still surprising Paul that he had that effect on women in their twenties and thirties, with him being almost fifty. Paul smirked at them and gave a small wink, making them turn their heads and giggle.

"Well, I know they won't be dreaming about their boyfriends tonight," Robbie said, chuckling

"Oh, just wait. They will follow us here soon. So do you have a style you like and do you need to get something for Dave?" Paul asked.

Paul nodded and went in a different direction, knowing exactly where his style of clothing was. He wanted to ask Robbie if Joey and you were a thing for sure. The guitarist knew he would cancel out everything the two of you were doing, not wanting to break up a relationship, no matter how toxic it seemed from his eyes. Scanning through the shirt, finding a vest and a white shirt that would go with the pants and shoes he had back in his room.

He grabbed a few more shirts to go in case, as always, he changed his mind at the last minute. Feeling eyes on him, Paul slowly turned around finding Robbie standing behind him, with a salmon colored shirt and black dress pants. The guitarist flashed an okay symbol with his fingers, giving his approval to your roommate. Walking toward the register, Paul grabbed the younger man's arm and stopped him in his tracks.

"I need you to be brutally honest with me about something. I have to decide today and I need a clear head on it." Paul replied, holding the man's arm.


(Reader POV)

"Fuck I'm coming, Keep your pants on!" You yelled, moving the hair out of your eyes.

You looked out the peephole seeing Joey standing there with his back facing the door. Feeling your mind race faster than it normally did, as you tried to decide if you should let the man you despised more than your mother. You turned your head and looked at the clock, seeing that Robbie and Paul had been gone for over two hours, probably meaning they would be back soon.

"Ugh, there is always some type of fucking drama!" you hissed.

You unlocked the deadbolt on the door and opened the door halfway. Seeing Joey flash his trademark smirk as he looked you up and down, making you want to puke on his designer shoes. You raised your eyebrow, waiting for him to explain why he was at your house and not at work doing the editing for the interview. He pushed on the door, trying to come inside.

"Joey, you know now isn't a good time. I have company in town, and in fact Paul and Robbie will be back soon." You said.

"I don't care. You're with me, and I need to set that geezer straight. Did you also forget who paid for you and that friend of yours to stay here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sighing, you opened the door and waved the man in, looking out and toward the stairs to see if Paul was walking up the stairs. Barely able to shut the door, Joey grabbed you and kissed you, then struggled to pick you up to move you to the couch. You tried not to laugh at the younger man, as the guitarist could carry you anyway around the house with no struggle. He threw you down on the couch and took a seat next to you.

"Joey, we will never be together again. I paid you and your family back with that inheritance money I got when my grandma died. We work together, and maybe party sometimes. That's it." You said, trying to get up.

The man moved his face to kiss your lips again, totally different from Paul's. There was no passion behind it. Joey rushed it where Paul made you feel like the best thing in the room. You tried to push the younger man away, as he continued to his delicate kisses, finally making you give in. Putting your hands on both sides of Joey's face, you allowed him to slide his tongue into your mouth. Joey moved his hands to your hips, pulling at your shirt just as the front door opened. You jumped apart, finding Paul and Robbie looking at you, both with a shocked look on their faces.

"I guess you were wrong there, Robbie," Paul said, staring at you

"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing again with the sleazeball?" Robbie asked sternly.

"Aww, it upset the geezer that a girl came to her senses." Joey snickered.

Paul flexed his free wrist to his side to keep from jumping across the small coffee table in the room. He didn't want to let his anger show in that way anymore. Once he had divorced Pam, that temper had left. Paul looked from Joey to Robbie, and then his eyes landed on you, seeing the small tears building up.

"I'm going to use the restroom quickly before I head back to my hotel." Paul said, racing out of the room.

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