Part 5

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Later That Afternoon

Paul starred out the airplane window, lost in his own thoughts, when he felt a tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump. The singer looked up, finding Gene standing next to him with a massive grin across his face, as he pointed at the seat next to Paul, a silent request to sit down. Paul shook his head and waited to hear what the bassist had to say.

"How ya doing, Paulie?" Gene asked, smacking the singer's knee.

"I'm fine. What do you want, Gene?" Paul countered.

"Well, you kinda ran off last night after that interview and then wouldn't come down for breakfast. I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay," The bassist replied.

"You really think after thirty years that I don't know this game? What I did or didn't do with anyone last night is none of ANYONE's concerns," Paul yelled, knowing his manager was listening too.

"It's good that you are moving on too. I mean, Pam is already out there dating, so why should you be getting some action too" Gene replied.

Paul snapped his head up to look at his friend, trying to process the information thrown out at him. The ink on the divorce papers was barely dry, and his ex was already dating, paying no mind to Evan's needs. The singer clenched his fist a few times and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before saying anything stupid.

"Well, that's her business, and this is mine. I just spent some time exploring around and wanted to sleep in." The singer replied, turning back toward the window.

"Oh well, from the sounds I heard, the two of you both enjoyed the exploring," Gene replied, standing up from his chair.

"Get the fuck out of here. You had nothing better to do last night, really?" Paul asked

"Well, at least we know what to get for you when you start to act like a prick," Gene replied, smacking the singer's shoulder.

"Apparently, we still have found the right mix for you. With as many women you claim to have banged, how come you're still a prick?" Paul asked.

Gene mumbled under his breath and flipped off the singer, causing Paul to laugh, knowing he had finally gotten under the bassist's skin. The guitarist leaned his head against the window, trying to figure out a way to get in contact with you and call your bluff. He slowly drifted to sleep and let the memories take over from the day before.

——————-(Reader POV)

You opened the door to your two-bedroom apartment, thankful to finally be home for a few days until your next segment out in California. The sound of music playing in the kitchen and the smell of food hit you, instantly causing your stomach to growl. Remembering the last time you had eaten anything was in the room with a particular singer. You shook your head, trying to get your mind away from the thoughts of the night before.

"Robbie, I'm home!" You called out as you hung up your keys and coat.

"I'm finishing dinner. Get your ass in here and tell me about the interview," Your roommate yelled.

You quickly looked yourself over in the mirror, making sure nothing visible would start a game of twenty questions. You pulled the collar of your sweater closer to your neck as you spotted a medium size hickey on the side of your neck. You cussed under your breath for not taking more time to cover up the marks after leaving the singer's room. As you took a deep breath, you walked toward the kitchen, finding Robbie pulling out a pan of enchiladas from the oven.

"If you weren't my best friend and dating Dave, I would so snatch you up" You grinned, leaning against the counter.

Robbie rolled his eyes at you and sat the pan of food on the counter before grabbing you into a hug. The two of you hugging for a few minutes until he broke away, returning to the stove. You leaned against the counter and waited for your best friend to start telling you about his trip since it had been over a week since the two of you had seen each other.

"So spill! How were the guys? Jerks? Still smoking hot for being in their fifties?" He asked, handing you a glass of wine.

"It was a decent interview," You replied, with a slight shrug.

"I listened to you for a month talk about getting to interview those guys, helping you prepare to talk to them since you were so nervous, and that's all I get? Bitch, what did you do punch one of them or insult their wives?" Robbie asked as he laid the casserole pan on the table.

"They aren't married genius. The interview was great. Just have to see how much we will have to edit before it airs." You replied as you started filling up your plate.

The two of you ate quietly for a few minutes giving yourself enough time to build a game plan for the line of questions you knew you were going to be unleashed by the younger man. You took a sip of your wine and glanced back and forth from your plate to Robbie, hoping he would move on to his business trip or something involving his long-time boyfriend.

"So you made a lot of mistakes? That's why you don't want to tell me about it? It's okay, Y/N. It was your very first big-time interview, don't beat yourself up," He replied, grabbing your hand."I wouldn't say mistakes per se; I would say there are some exchanges that will probably be frowned upon by the network. I tired from the flight, so can we catch up tomorrow?" You replied, standing up from the table

"I'm sorry I didn't even think about the time difference, but I want all the details about these exchanges, Missy," Robbie replied, letting go of your hand.

"Oh my god, Good Night," You replied as you headed toward your bedroom.You waved good night to your friend one last time and shut the door, quickly changing into more comfortable clothes. You laid down on your bed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking over the interview and the night with Paul Stanley. As sleep began to take over, you wonder if he would find the slip of paper you had left in his shaving kit and make do on his promise and call.

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