Part 40

144 8 13

TW: abuse, gun violence

(Reader POV)

You followed the bassist down the long hallway, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling growing in your stomach. It was your first time alone with anyone but Paul after the incident had taken place with Joey at your office. Gene stopped in front of a door with the singer's name on it and opened it slowly, waving for you to enter.

"After you, young lady," the bassist said with a small smirk

"Thank you, sir," you replied

You walked in and felt your heart skip a beat as the door slammed behind you and Joey came walking out of the bathroom waving a pistol around. He walked over and grabbed your arm and pushed you to the couch before walking over to the door and locking it. Panic set in as you wondered why Gene had set you and Paul up to be attacked by your ex. Joey grabbed one chair and pulled it in front of you as he set the gun on the ground next to him.

"You're going to listen to every fucking thing I have to say and then we are leaving together. You're going to forget all about that motherfucker," Joey snapped

"Joey, I'm with Paul now, okay? We are over and I love him. You need to get over me, okay?" You replied

Joey raised his hand and slapped you across the face, making the tears fall down your face as you shook. You held your hands up and nodded your head in agreement with the man. He leaned forward and kissed your lips before standing up and pacing the room, taking his eyes off the gun for a moment. You silently prayed for Robbie or Paul to come looking for you and to get rid of the asshole once and for all.

"What does he have that I don't have, Y/N? I'm rich and successful, but you still turn your nose up to me. Why?" Joey asked

"Joey, I don't love you like that. We were fuck buddies, that's all. You deserve better than me anyway," you replied

"Don't feed me that bullshit, you bitch or I'll beat the shit out of you!" He yelled

"Joey, you gotta calm down, or he's going to come looking for us. How did you get Gene to help you?" You asked

"It was easy. He doesn't like the distraction you've become for his best friend, so he came to the house and made me a deal," Joey replied.

You looked back at the man with your mouth hanging open. The tears forming in your eyes as you thought of all the times Gene had picked a fight over Paul spending so much time with you. Joey looked at you and grinned, making your blood boil. You stood up and made a dash for the door, fumbling to unlock it. Joey came up behind you and threw you to the ground before slapping you across the face three times. You let out a loud gasp, feeling the blood trickle from your lip.

"Don't fucking do that again or I will kill you. Do you understand me, bitch?" He hissed

"Okay, Joey, just calm down. I won't go anywhere," you whispered

He grabbed you by the arm and threw you toward the couch, causing your head to collide with the wood arm. The room spun as you felt the blood trickle down the side of your face. Everything went black a few seconds later as you felt your hands being tied with something and heard someone knocking on the door.


(Paul POV)

"The investigator went to the house, but no one was there. Joeys disappeared again, I'm afraid." Doc said

"We will just have to get more security detail around us then," Paul said

"Paul, why don't you just let the girl go? She's been nothing but trouble since you met her. I know you're lonely since the divorce, but do you really want the drama?" Doc asked

"Shut up and do what I said!!! okay? I love her and once we get out of New York everything will be fine. Now is everyone here so we can get rehearsal started?" The singer asked.

Doc nodded his head and started walking toward the stage, waving for Paul to follow him. The guitarist rolled his eyes and followed behind the man, feeling the anxiety wash over his body. He looked over to see Gene walking back to the stage with a huge smile on his face, making Paul even more nervous. He walked over to his guitar tech and grabbed his instrument as he caught Robbie walking toward the stage.

"Where's Y/N at? I knocked on your dressing room door but there was no answer, just a lot of commotion like someone was cleaning," Robbie said.

"Gene just took her to my dressing room 20 minutes ago. She should be there." Paul replied

"The doors locked but no one's answering," Robbie replied

"GENE!" Paul shouted

"What? Why are you yelling at me?" Gene asked

"Where did you take my girlfriend? Robbie said my rooms locked up," the singer asked

"She went right in and shut the door behind her. I'm paid to play bass, not babysit," the bassist replied

"Doc!!! Get maintenance to follow me over to the dressing room Robbie let's go!" Paul yelled

The two men ran through the arena toward the dressing room area. Paul felt his heart race as he came up to his door and found it wide open with a small trail of blood outside the door frame. The singer looked at your best friend seeing the mirroring panicked look across his face. Paul walked into the room, seeing everything thrown around. The furniture turned upside down and clothes thrown everywhere.

"Y/N, are you in here?" Paul called

"Paul, I don't think she's here," Robbie replied

The younger man put his hand on the singer's shoulder as Paul shook. The guitarist hit the wall, punching a large hole in it. He fell to the floor as blood leaked from his left hand. Robbie took a seat next to Paul and wrapped his arm around the older man as he sobbed.

"He's got her. I know he does. What are we going to do?" Paul whispered

"We will figure it out, man, I promise. Just breathe," Robbie replied.

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