Part 33

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(Reader POV)

You pulled away from the singer, feeling suddenly embarrassed about the sudden confession of your feelings. You grabbed the edge of the blanket on the hospital blanket and twisted it in between your fingers. The afternoon had been hectic, and you felt the tears pool in your eyes as you thought back to Joey's blows to your body and cruel words before everything went black. Paul snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you to him, making you sob into his black shirt. The singer ran his hand down your back and rocked you gently in his muscle arms.

"It's okay baby girl, you're safe now and I promise I will get him back for this," Paul whispered into your ear

"You're not gonna run because of the train wreck mess I am or that I told you after a few weeks that I love you?" You asked.

"Did you mean what you said?" Paul asked.

You pulled away and looked at Paul in his dark brown eyes, both joy and worry flooding across them. The thought hadn't crossed your mind that the singer would have doubts about himself or the possibility of a new relationship after only being divorced for less than a year. You took a shaky breath and then nodded your head at him, answering his question silently. Paul shook his head no at you, making your stomach drop and the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

"No, you don't love me, or no you don't believe that I love you?" you asked

"Oh, no, I've loved you since the morning you walked out of my hotel room. I'm shaking my head because I can't believe you said it first but won't tell me anything about yourself," The singer replied.

"It's not like I know much about you other than you're a hot fifty-year-old in the hottest band in the world." You said, leaning in to kiss him.

Paul pulled away and pushed you back down onto the bed before he moved over to the armchair. Paul laughed as you folded your arms across your chest and pouted. He grabbed your hand and pulled it to his mouth, laying small kisses on each knuckle, before he pulled away smiling at you. The only sound in the room for a few minutes was the monitors. You had yet to figure out why you were hooked up to them. The singer cleared his throat, pulling your attention back over to him, seeing the grin grow wider on his face. You rolled your eyes, knowing that Paul had some plan up his sleeve.

"So I have an idea once we get you out of this place, we go on an actual date and learn about each other without it being just in between the sheets," He said

"That's one of my favorite games to play with you though," You replied, with a small grin

"Oh, believe me, if you play your cards right, you will get what you want and then some," Paul said, winking at you

He went to stand up from his chair just as there was a knock at the door, making the two of you jump. Paul moved to his seat as a doctor and nurse walked into the room, making you groan. You looked from the doctor down to your wrist, wondering what damage had been done to your body by your bastard ex. The doctor took a seat in his chair and flipped through your chart. You looked over at Paul, seeing him flash you a nervous smile before grabbing your free hand squeezing it gently

"Well, Miss Y/L/N, all of your lab results look fine. You have a couple of broken ribs on top of your broken right wrist. You will probably have a headache for a few days from the knot on your head, but there is no sign of a concussion." The doctor said,

"Does that mean I can go home, then?" you asked

"Yes, we will get the discharge papers all together and your prescription, then your boyfriend is free to take you home. Just get plenty of rest and no driving for four weeks." The doctor replied, standing up.

You felt your face turn red from the doctor's comment about Paul being your boyfriend. You looked over your shoulder to see the singer grinning back at you like a horny teenager. The doctor excused himself from the room and the nurse began unhooking you from all the machines, making the anxiety slowly disappear from you. Your thoughts traveled back to Joey, and you wondered if the police had found him or if he would be waiting at the apartment for you, Robbie, and Paul. You waited for the nurse to leave the room before you turned back to Paul, taking a deep breath.

"What's going on with Joey? Is it even safe for Robbie and I to go home?" You asked.

Paul looked at you and then stood up, running a hand through his black hair before he started pacing the floor. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stopped in front of your bed, looking as scared as you felt. You felt your throat go dry as you waited for the guitarist to speak. He went to open his mouth just as Robbie came walking through the door looking like he had seen a ghost. Robbie grabbed Paul's arm and pulled the guitarist out to the hallway, forgetting to shut the door behind them. You felt your stomach drop as you listened to your best friend give Paul the news.

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