Part 12

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(Paul POV)

A few days later, Paul was looking out the window of the band's plane, flying back to New York to see you. He had avoided all phone calls and texts from you, not wanting to give the surprise away and to keep you guessing for a while. Though not talking to you was driving him crazy, the singer knew it would all be worth it by the end of the night, knowing the two of you would be wrapped around each other again. A hand on his shoulder made him jump, pulling him out of his lustful thoughts. Paul turned to find Doc staring down at him with a disapproving look on his face.

"What? I don't want another lecture on this. Either go with the plan or keep your ass on the plane," Paul said, annoyed.

"Calm down. Maybe getting laid again will help your attitude. I was going to come and make sure I had all the details right." Doc replied.

"You are going to go to the VH1 studio office, talking to Y/N and Sheila, making a big deal over how bad the band's image will be tarnished if they keep the brief scene. While you're there, I'm going to sneak off to her apartment and hang out with her roommate. You called him and confirm the address plus the details?" The singer asked.

"Yeah, everything has been confirmed. Does Y/N have any idea what you're doing?" Doc asked.

"Nope, I haven't talked to her since they delivered the flowers, and I guarantee after your brief visit, my phone is really going to blow up," Paul replied with a smirk.

Doc shook his head at the singer, making Paul laugh at his reaction. He looked down at his phone, seeing the multiple calls and texts you had sent. Shaking his head, the singer slid the device back into his pocket and turned his attention to the window again. Paul was ready for the damn plane to land and his plans to begin to get the major prize.


(Reader POV)

A few hours later,

You held your cell phone to your ear, groaning again as the phone rang once and it forwarded the call to voicemail. Hearing Paul's voice come across for the eight-time, you hung up and threw the phone down, frustrated. The two of you hadn't talked in over four days when you had gotten the two dozen roses sent to you. Since then, Paul had seemed to disappear, and you couldn't figure out why you're feeling so hurt by it.

"It was just a one-night stand, Y/N. What is wrong with you? He's a newly single rockstar; he's probably getting off with someone else."

A slight knock on the door made you jump, and you looked up to see Sheila standing in the door frame, looking pale. You scrambled to your feet and pulled her into the office, wondering what had made her look so frightened. Leading her to the empty chair in your room, you took a seat on the side of your desk, waiting for your boss to say something or flinch, giving you some kind of sign that an ambulance wasn't needed.

"What's going on? Is it the kids or Rick? Do we need to call and have someone come check you out?" You asked.

"KISS management is here now! By the look on their manager's face, they aren't happy about something on the tape we sent them," Sheila stammered.

"They were just supposed to call and tell us what they wanted to be cut out? Is the whole band with them or just Doc? Do you need Joey and me to sit in on the meeting?" You asked, feeling confused.

"Doc just requested for you to be in there. We better not keep them waiting any longer. Are you ready for this?" She asked.

"Do I have a choice in this? I guess it's part of the job getting cut down by representatives for the bands." You chuckled.

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