Part 27

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Several Hours Later

You walked back into your apartment, wiping the tears away from your face one last time, time, before walking through the door. Immediately finding Paul sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Robbie asleep in his recliner. You shut the door, making the singer jump, and turned to look at you with a sad smile on his face. He moved from the couch, wrapping his arms around you tightly. The two of you stayed quiet for a few minutes, hugging each other until Robbie let out a loud snore, making you break a part. Paul held you at arm's length, looking you up and down.

"Are you okay? I don't understand what happened one minute we were all fine at dinner, and the next you're being arrested." Paul rambled, looking at you.

"Do we have to talk about this? Can we just go back to your hotel or to my room?" You asked.

"You just want to go have sex and forget about it, huh?" Paul asked.

"You know the answer to that. I've been in jail for the last four hours. Thank you for bailing me out so quickly. I just want to get some kind of release. Is that so bad?" You whispered.

Paul cocked an eyebrow at you with a surprised look on his face at the blunt comment, making you feel a sense of pride. It was usually the singer that stunned you with his open and honest banter. You looked at him waiting for the conversation to continue, when he grabbed your hand pulling you to your bedroom. Flipping on the light, Paul pushed you slightly into the room, before he shut the door and locked it. The two of you stood in the middle of the room staring at each other just like the first night the two of you had hooked up over a month ago.

The thoughts from the entire night hit you like a ton of bricks, and you burst into tears and sunk down on your mattress. You hated to show your emotions in front of anyone and quickly covered your face to mask the tears. Feeling the bed moved slightly, you lifted your head up, seeing Paul looking at you sadly. Paul pulled you to him and gripped you as you continued to sob, switching from rubbing your arm and kissing the top of your head.

"I'm going to lose everything I busted my ass for, my house, my job and have to move back home. All because Joey twisted the truth around again. I'm sure he got a hold of our boss as soon as the cop car drove away." You replied with a sniffle.

Paul pulled away slightly, making you look up at him, wondering what he had planned. He ran his thumb across your cheek, making you close your eyes and lean into his touch. Suddenly feeling his lips on yours kissing delicately, making goosebumps dance across your arms, and taking your breath away from the simple action. The singer pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours, both of you mirroring the other's smile.

"So little jailbird, do you want to hear some good news?" Paul asked

"Don't you dare say that around Robbie, or I will have to kill you? Once he learns someone's nickname, that's all he will call them for months." You said.

"Answer the question." The singer replied, sternly,

"Yes, please give me something that will calm down the anxiety." You said.

"I already talked to your boss, okay? The band, our manager and you will have a meeting with Sheila before Joey gets there. You have lost nothing sweetheart, but we will make sure that man can only get a job flipping burgers if he's lucky." Paul replied.

"I appreciate the help, but maybe we should just stop seeing each other. Joey's family has a lot of money and I don't want to lose everything I busted my ass for because of a silly crush or friend with benefits. There are plenty of other pretty faces out there. Just remember you have one in New York." You said, looking at the ground.

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