Part 3

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"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable," Paul said as he opened the door, waving you inside.

Paul checked the hallway one more time before grabbing the 'Do Not Disturb' sign and hanging it on the door. He shrugged off his black sports coat and laid it over the side of the couch in the room. He stood off to the side, watching you look around the room before your eyes landed back on him, flashing a shy smile at the singer.

"I'm guessing you didn't just bring me here to stand in the middle of the room and have a staring contest," You said.

"No, I definitely did not," He chuckled.

Paul let out a deep sigh trying to stop himself from acting like a hormone-driven teenager, fucking you right where you stood. He moved across the room and grabbed your hips, pulling toward him. Tracing his hands slowly up your sides feeling every curve available to him, smiling to himself as he heard your breathing hitch. Paul dipped down and captured your lips with his mouth lingering there for a few seconds between each delicate kiss.

You pulled back first, leaning your head into the singer's chest. Paul moved one hand to your back, running it gently up and down, grinning to himself as he listened to you try to catch your breath.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"I thought that's why I was here? because you had dinner for me?" You countered.

Paul felt his pants tighten around him again at the blunt comment. He walked away from you shaking his head grabbing the room service menu off the table. The singer winked as you looked back at him with your mouth open.

"I said I'd feed you, Y/N. Besides, you're gonna need a lot of energy to keep up with me tonight, sweetheart," Paul told you as he handed you the menu.

"You're definitely full of surprises, Mr.Stanley," You replied.

"Oh, you have no idea," He replied.


45 Minutes Later

Paul pushed the room service cart back into the hallway outside his room and shut the door. He rubbed his hands together nervously and walked back to the couch, retaking his place next to you. The waves of nerves and excitement hitting him like a ton of bricks of everything that could happen through the night. Paul draped his arm over the back of the couch, looking at you.

"Are you going to sit there all night?" You asked.

"You're just full of sass, aren't you?" Paul countered as he pulled you to his lap.

"Oh, you have no idea," You replied.

Paul moved his lips close enough to yours for the two of you to share the same breath. Rubbing his hand down your side to your smooth bare legs before placing a simple kiss on your lips. The singer pulled back, grinning at the small sigh you let out, already starting to drive him crazy. Paul kissed you again, this time nipping at your lip roughly. You gasp, allowing the guitarist to slide his tongue into your mouth. Paul explored the inside of your mouth, tasting the hint of alcohol from dinner. He pulled you tight against him as you moved your small hands into his hair, pulling tight at it.

After a while, the two of you parted for a breather. The singer kept his eyes locked on you, watching you try to control your breathing. Paul brushed his thumb down the side of your face as he sucked in a deep breath as you moved your mouth toward his thumb, sucking at it slowly before nipping at the pad of it. The singer pulled his hand away and shook his head at you, adjusting himself and pushed you back slightly until you were lying underneath him on the couch. He moved to your neck, placing delicate kisses and soft licks from one side to the other.

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