Part 44

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(Paul POV)

The singer watched the houses go by as he looked out the window of the blacked out SUV with Robbie sitting beside him in the back seat. Both men had spent the last hour going over the plan to break into Joey's house and get you away from the tyrant without too much of a fight. The driver shined a light on the house number showing 117, making Paul let out a shaky breath, as he pulled out his cellphone and typed a text quickly to the car following behind him. Paul looked at Robbie, seeing the same fear in the younger man's eyes as the singer had in his own. Robbie exited the car first while the singer sat back and looked in the bag one more time before pulling on the gloves from the bag and pulling the pistol out and tucking inside his suit jacket pocket. Two of his bodyguards exited the other SUV and made their way over to Paul and Robbie, waiting for direction on how to proceed.

"Mike and Anthony, you two go in through the back and see if you can find Y/N while Robbie and I go knock on the front door and try to reason with that fucker." Paul said.

"Do you have his money, though?" Robbie asked.

"Right here next to the gun. Are you going to control your nerves or do you need to stay in the car and call 911?" the singer replied as he opened his jacket.

"Ill be fine, let's just get this over with," Robbie replied

Paul patted the younger man on back and then nodded toward the other men, watching as they walked over toward the back fence and opened the gate, walking through it with ease. The singer grabbed Robbie's arm and lead him toward the front door, knocking loudly on it. He looked at the younger man, seeing the anxiety written all over his face, and patted his shoulder as the two men listened to loud cursing and footsteps coming to the door. The door swung open and there stood Joey with a five o'clock shadow dancing across his smug face. He waved the two men into the house and then looked around on the outside before turning back to Paul.

"Do you have my money, Geezer?" Joey asked

"Where's my girlfriend first and then Ill give you the money," Paul replied

"She's in that room over there. Let Robbie go check on her but I want you to stay where I can see you." Joey replied.

"Fine, but I want to see her awake before I send him in there," the singer said

Joey nodded his head and Robbie grabbed the singer's jacket and pulled him over to the side, sweat pouring down his face as he shook. Paul grabbed the man by the shirt and pulled him over to the corner, glaring at him as he waited for the younger man to speak. Robbie looked at the singer and burst into tears, making Paul look from him to Joey, seeing the smirk grow on the other man's face. Paul shook his head and turned his attention back to your best friend, secretly praying he would pull himself together to get you out of the house safe.

"Paul, I can't do this, I'm scared," Robbie whispered

"Man, all you gotta do is get the window open and hand her to one of my bodyguards that it. They should call the cops as we speak now," Paul whispered.

"Okay, Ill do my best," He replied, taking a step away

"Aww, is little Robbie upset that his slut's best friend finally got put in her place?" Joey said in a singsong voice.

"Hey man, now is not the time. Just let me see her and then let Robbie go in and take her out of there. That was the deal, right?" Paul asked

The sound of beating on the wall made all three men turn their attention to the bedroom in front of them. Paul felt his heart sink as you screamed out his name repeatedly and cried. He took a step forward, but Joey stepped in his way and pulled a gun from the back of his pants, pointing it straight at the guitarist's chest. The singer held his hands up and carefully took a couple step back from the door. Joey waved for Robbie to follow him and quickly fished out keys from his pants pocket. The singer looked from Robbie back to your abusive ex-boyfriend and took action in his own hands. He took the gun out of his jacket pocket and hit the younger man in the back of the head, watching as he crumpled to the floor. Robbie quickly moved and took the keys from the man on the floor's hand and worked to get the door unlocked. The singer pushed your best friend out of the way and kicked the door open with his boot.

"Paul?" You cried.

"I'm here baby, Robbie. Go around back and get the boys and then call 911." Paul demanded.

He walked into the room and wrapped you up in his arms, feeling you shaky under his touch. The tears fell down his face as he kissed the side of your face, seeing the bruises forming on the left side of your face. You clang to his neck, pulling him to the ground as you pressed kisses to his face as though he would disappear if you let him go. Paul lead you over to the couch in the living room before going over to Joey and grabbing the rope from the table. He hogged tied the younger man. The singer looked down at the man that had caused the two of you so much pain and started kicking him in the side before he kneeled down and punched Joey in the face. The sound of sirens in the distance grabbed the singer's attention as he heard the back door open and his two bodyguards and new best friend entered

"Y/N OH MY GOD I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" Robbie cried, as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Be careful dude," Paul replied

"Paul, hold me please," you cried

"Why don't you three wave down the police and ambulance, okay?" Paul asked, as he took a seat beside you

The singer wrapped his arms around you carefully and kissed the side of your face, tasting the salt from your tears as he held you. He knew you were as frightened as he was about the events that had transpired over the last few days. You laid your head against the singer's chest and cried. As the detective the two of you had been working with since Joey had first attacked, you walked into the room. Paul held out his hand and shook the man's hand as you wrapped yourself around him tighter.

"Baby, I promise you I will never leave you again, but we need to get you looked at. Can you let me walk you out to the ambulance at least?" Paul asked.

"Okay" You said weakly.

Paul wrapped his arms around your slender frame and carried you bridal style out the door toward the paramedics. They quickly pulled the stretcher to the two of you and pointed for the singer to put you down, which he did reluctantly. The singer watched as the paramedics loaded you into the back of the truck and the police swarmed the house, bringing out Joey in handcuffs. Paul shook his head, knowing the only thing left to do was convince you to come out to Los Angeles with him after the concert in two days.

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