Part 32

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(Paul POV)

"She's a reporter, Paul, what could she possibly do to help us?" Gene asked

"She could handle the press stuff for us, interviews, photo ops, hell websites. Tommy always needs help with that stuff," Paul replied, turning in his chair.

"Do you think having your girlfriend working for us is that good of an idea?" Doc chimed in from the doorway.

"Y/N isn't my girlfriend, but she's in trouble and if you watch the interview she did, she definitely has a knack for this stuff. I don't see what the problem is," The singer replied.

The room stayed quiet as the singer glanced around the room, waiting to hear more from his bandmates on the subject. Ace and Peter looked at Paul and shrugged their shoulders, while the bassist just gave him a small smile and stared at the singer. Doc put his hand on the guitarist's arm, making Paul jump slightly and turn to face the shorter man. Doc pointed toward the hallway and motioned for the singer to follow him out.

"You three just think about it, okay?" Paul asked

"We will let you know tomorrow, but I don't see a problem with it," Gene replied, his grin growing wider

Paul gave the older man a thumbs up and then jogged out the door to catch up with his manager. He looked down the hallway, seeing Sheila standing next to one officer and paramedics as Doc turned to look at the singer. The smaller man put his hands on both of Paul's shoulders, holding him still for a moment as he looked up at him. Paul felt the panic rush over him as he looked down at the older man, waiting to hear whatever was about to come out of Doc's mouth.

"I need you to stay calm and hear everything I have to say about Y/N's condition before you take off running down there, okay?" Doc said.

Paul looked from his manager back down the hallway, watching as the EMTs wheeled a gurney out of your office and down toward the hospital. He looked back at Doc and suddenly felt the room spin as he fought off the waves of nausea hitting him.


A few hours later,

(Reader POV)

You opened your eyes slowly to find Robbie sitting next to you in a hospital chair. He looked down at you with a sad smile and red tear-filled eyes. You attempted to sit up and bed and instantly felt pain pulse through your entire body. Looking around the room, you saw they hooked you up to a dozen machines and your right arm was in a cast. The memories from the office slowly came to you, and your stomach turned as you remembered the final blow to the stomach Joey had landed before you had passed out.

"What happened and how long have I been here?" You asked.

"Joey attacked you, honey. Paul found you locked in your office and passed out on the floor. You've had the two of us worried sick." Robbie replied.

"Is Paul okay? Joey did nothing to him?" You asked frantically.

"Y/N, you need to calm down, okay you're going to hurt yourself. Paul is fine and is out in the waiting room we've been switching back and forth. I tried to get him to go back to the hotel and wait, but the man is as stubborn as you are. I'd say you are the perfect match." Robbie replied.

As on cue, the singer came strolling back in the room wearing the same black suit with his hair disheveled. You smiled unknowingly at the sight of the man, feeling relieved that Joey didn't injure the singer. Paul stopped in front of your bed and let out a deep breath, making Robbie chuckle loudly beside you. You turned your attention back to him and attempted to scowl, but felt the pain rush up to your head, making you lay back immediately. Paul grabbed the doctor's chair and pulled it to the opposite side of your bed, placing his hand on your leg.

"I'm going to make a coffee run and let Dave know you're okay. You two need something besides a reminder that you are in a hospital and not in our home, so try not to get too hot and heavy with each other." Robbie said, pointing at you as he stood from his chair.

"I'm not an animal, Rob," Paul replied.

"Yeah right" You said,

"Oh, you think so?" The singer asked, tilting his head to the side

"Shit... I thought I said that to myself. You know what Robbie, maybe you should stay," You replied, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment.

Robbie shook his head and laughed loudly before walking out of the room, shutting the door close behind him. You looked at Paul, seeing his smirk fade as he grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing each knuckle delicately before holding. The two of you stayed silent for a few minutes before you pulled your hand away from his, and ran it through his black shaggy hair, hearing the singer let out a low groan of content as you raked your nails through his scalp. You placed your hand on the side of his face, running it slowly across the stubble of his five o'clock shadow.

"I was so scared Y/N" Paul whispered, standing up to look at you

"I'm sorry, Paul. I didn't know he was going to follow me to my office. It's all my fault for attacking him the other night," You whispered back, feeling the tears build in your eyes.

Paul leaned down and brushed the hair out of your eyes before he kissed your forehead. Without a second thought, you grabbed his shirt and pulled his face down to your level, both of your mouths inches apart from the other. The singer looked you in the eye for several seconds, as though he was waiting for a sign to tell him to stop. You moved your mouth forward and kissed his lips. Paul attempted to pull back, but you wrapped your good hand in his hair, deepening the kiss. The singer groaned and opened his mouth to you, allowing you to slide your tongue into his mouth and explore. Paul moved to sit on the side of the bed, still keeping his lips connected to yours, as he allowed you to control the kiss for a few more moments. You broke away from the singer and leaned your forehead against his.

"I love you," You whispered, before kissing him again

Paul pulled away from you with his mouth hanging open in complete shock at what you had just said. You felt your stomach doing somersaults as you waited for the guitarist to reject you and storm out of the room. He took a seat on the bed and cleared his throat. The singer looked at you with his head cocked to the side and a smile slowly appearing on his face.

"Say that again," Paul whispered.

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