Part 18

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The two of you walked up the stairs to your apartment, trying to still shake your nerves from the incident earlier back at the hotel. You searched through your bag trying to find your keys, as you felt the singer's hands on your hips, with his chin on your shoulder. Paul planted his lips on the side of your neck, kissing it softly, and then nipping it, pulling at the skin between his teeth. You sighed and leaned your head back against the singer's shoulder, feeling his small smirk against your neck, before moving his lips to your ear, making you shiver a bit.

"We can put my shopping and dinner plans on hold. Let you take out those frustrations from earlier on me," Paul whispered.

"I think I need actual sleep first before I take anything out on you, mister. You didn't give me a break at all last night," You replied, finding your keys and opening the door.

"Hey, most women would be glad. A man my age has the stamina that I do," the singer said with a shrug.

"Oh, I'm thankful, especially with how many times you made me cum before you did," You replied, walking toward your bedroom

You threw your bag on your bed and laid down to see the singer standing in the doorway with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Patting the other side of the bed as a silent invitation for Paul to lie next to you, the singer bit his lip and stared at you for a moment, before his ovary destroying smile flashed across his face. The guitarist shut the door behind him and locked it. You shook your head at him, seeing the wheels in Paul's head already turning on what he wanted to do.

"I mean it, Paul, I need a few hours of sleep before we continue this fucking each other like two horny teenagers, okay?" you said.

"I promise, Y/N just cuddling and napping. Now get your fine ass over here and let me hold you." Paul replied, flopping down on the bed and pulling you toward him.

"Yes sir," You said, moving to lay your head on his chest.

"Ugh, Y/N, do you know how crazy you drive me with that sass. How do you know how to press every button to push me over the edge? It makes it hard not to want to undress you and have my way with you repeatedly." the singer replied.

"Oh, don't you play all innocent. You do the same thing to me, which is weird how you do everything in such a kind way." You said,

Paul pulled you up to straddle his waist and brushed his hands through your hair, giving you a look that made you comfortable and run for the hills all at the same moment. He smiled softly as he rubbed your neck just as had done during the interview, making you oddly tremble. You leaned down to kiss him and felt the guitarist's hands go straight to your hips, holding you still.

"Why are you so scared of getting to know me, more than physically? I like you, Y/N, sweetheart. I really do, but I do like to know my friends. Is it because you think I'm trying to force you into something more?" Paul asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think you're rushing me, but you just went through a divorce and want to be close to someone. That is kind of overwhelming because I'm not someone you would want to take home to your mom, or your son. If you learned about all of me, you wouldn't want to stick your dick in me. It's been a week. Give it some time for me to warm up and you to decide if you want me fully, okay? You leave in a week, anyway." You replied, trying to move.

"Okay sweetheart, I'll play the game your way, but I want you to listen to me for a second, and then we will nap, okay? Unless you want me to warm you up more so you can get comfortable," the singer asked.

"Ask your damn question! You act like a sex crazed teenager," You replied.

"Well, you bring it out of me, so who is really to blame here?" He asked.

"Talk, or I'm going to bed." you said sternly

The singer stared at you for a minute, waiting for you to give some type of response to him to give the singer the okay to share the information with you. Feeling the anxiety as usual sweep over you, wondering if he was going to oddly change his mind about being a fuck buddy because of your insecurities. Paul leaned up and grabbed your face and pulled it down to his own until the two of you were sharing the same breath. The singer shuddered and kissed you gently, repeatedly. You moved your hands to his shoulders, trying to hold your own self steady, as you attempted to deepen the kiss. Paul pulled back with a smirk and waved his finger at you.

"Don't distract me, Y/N. Now what I was going to say is that I'm not as confident as you think I am. Sweetheart, I was married for eleven years to the woman I thought was my person, and thought I had a perfect marriage, especially with my son. I feel like a loser and its not because of the marriage ending, it's because of having to look into my little boy's eyes and knowing I caused him pain. I became a musician to ease the pain of not being wanted, with being picked on for being different, which, if I was a betting man, is one of the many things we have in common. The world may see me as this larger-than-life person who can snap their fingers and make women's panties drop in an instant, but it's not true. I just want us to get to know each other and be friends. We could be over one day or you could walk away from me and the amazing orgasms I give you. Can you keep your mind open to all of this, okay? I'll go as slow as you want, you know that, I'm what did you call me the other night, a gentle giant? We can even stop having sex so your judgement isnt clouded." the singer said.

"Oh no, we aren't stopping the sex. I would rather die. Okay babe, I'll keep an open mind and you don't rush me. Now kiss me, let me off your lap and hold me. I'm sleepy." You replied.

"Yes, ma'am," Paul replied with a wink

The singer leaned up and kissed you slowly, lingering for a bit before rolling off of him and on to your side. You felt the soft fleece blanket fall across your bare arm, and then Paul's muscular arm wrapped around pulling you close to him until your back touched his chest, and then intertwined his leg with yours, making you push your ass back against him. You groaned at the feeling of him flexing his hips up and smacked his arm, hearing the boyish laugh leave the guitarist that you were coming to enjoy.

"If you want decent sex later than I suggest we take a nap." you said with a yawn

"Um, sex with you has always been mind-blowing, but I agree. Let's sleep. You need your strength," Paul whispered.

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