Part 34

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(Paul POV)

Paul leaned against the wall in the hallway in front of your door as he watched Robbie pace back and forth. The singer tried to wait patiently as the younger man cussed under his breath and ran a hand through his short hair. Robbie moved back and forth for a few moments before the guitarist let out a frustrated sigh, grabbing the man's arm and pulling him to a stop. Paul looked the younger man in the eyes, seeing the tears forming as his chin quivered.

"Robbie, please say something you're making me feel more nervous than I already am," Paul said

"He's gone!" Robbie yelled

"Whose gone? You're going to have to give me some more details than that," the singer replied.

"Joey! I called down to the station while you and Y/N were having a moment, and they asked if I had another address for him. They went to his apartment, and they said he moved out and the place is completely empty." the younger man replied.

Paul ran his hand down his face, feeling his stomach turn as he tried to process all the information that was thrown at him. The singer placed his hands on both of his hips and paced the hallway as he tried to figure out what to do next. There was no way you could go back to the apartment you and Robbie shared while the police still tried to locate the prick that landed you in the hospital. Paul stopped his pacing and looked back at the door, seeing someone slightly cracked it open making him shake his head. He grabbed the younger man's arm and pulled him down the hallway, checking to make sure no one else was in earshot before he spoke.

"How long do you think he was planning on doing this?" Paul asked

"I am not sure Paul, this doesn't seem like something he would do honestly. That's why it's so alarming he loved Y/N, but there's something about you that has him jealous," Robbie replied.

"Wait a minute, it doesn't seem like something he would do? Like he needed to wear a sign around his neck to tell you his motives. The prick is a psychopath and doesn't want Y/N to be happy. Joey has some kind of dirty on her and I need to know what it is so I can help her move on," The singer snapped.

"That's not my place to tell you, man. If Y/N wants you to know, then she will tell you, but those two have a rocky history," the younger man replied.

"I respect that, but for right now, it's not safe for either of you to be back at that apartment. Ill send my security guard over there with you to gather some of your and Y/N's things. I can get a hotel for you where I am staying or whatever you need," Paul said.

"I'm going to stay with Dave, but I appreciate the offer. The bigger question, who is going to tell Y/N what is going on?" Robbie asked.

Paul looked at the younger man again, feeling as though someone had punched him in the gut. He wanted to be the one to protect you from harm's way, but this situation went beyond being just complicated. The singer ran his hand through his jet black short hair and let out a deep sigh. The sound of a telephone ringing pulled both men's attention back to the present, as Paul reached into his jacket pocket seeing his ex-wife's name flash across the screen.

"I have to take this. It's probably my son. Say nothing to Y/N just yet about Joey. We will just say the police want the two of you to stay away from the house while the investigation is still going on, okay?" Paul said, holding the phone up.

"Deal, Paul. I'm going to go see what all she may need from the house, so I forget nothing," Robbie replied.

Paul let out a deep sigh and shook his head as he watched Robbie turn the corner. He quickly cleared his throat and answered the phone, chuckling softly to himself as Evan started rambling about his day at school, taking the guitarist's mind of the current events taking place around him.

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