Part 37

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(Reader POV)

The Next Morning

You woke up to the sound of two people whispering to each other in the next room. You rubbed your eyes and listened as you heard Paul's voice get louder and the mention of Joey's name came up. Slowly you got out of bed, feeling your head throbbing from the accident the day before. The sound of the door slamming caused you to jump and grab your chest as Paul came around the corner, his face bright red with anger. He looked at you and his face instantly fell as a sad frown took over. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closed, giving you a full feel of the tension that was taking over his body. You suddenly felt your shirt become wet, and you pulled away to see the singer's eyes filled with tears.

"Oh my god, Paul, what happened? Is everything okay with Evan?" You asked

"I can't keep you safe. That son of a bitch is out there and they can't find him," He sobbed.

"Paul, you need to breathe. It's going to be okay. They will find him. Who was here talking to you?" You replied, as you led him back to the bed.

The singer took a seat next to you and wrapped his arms around you and sobbed into your shoulder. You ran your hands gently down his back and kissed the side of his face, unsure of what to do for the man. Everything that was happening at the moment was your fault and you were thinking maybe it was best for you to leave the singer and move on to find someone that could make him happier and safe. The two of you pulled a part from each other after a few moments, and you smiled sadly as Paul wiped his eyes. He moved his face forward and pressed his lips against yours, taking your breath away for a moment.

"I know what you're thinking, but please don't leave me. I want to be with you and I know you want to be with me too," He whispered.

"I don't want to put you and Evan in danger, though, Paul," You whispered back, feeling your own tears form in your eyes

"Evan is safe with his mom in California and we will have security with us at all times. They are posted outside our room right now. Talking to Doc and Gene just pissed me off. I'm sorry I upset you." He replied.

"What did those two want at nine in the morning?" You asked, as you looked over at the clock.

"It doesn't matter right now. How about we lay down for a bit and figure out what to do for today, okay?" Paul asked

You nodded your head and broke your embrace with the singer and climbed back into the bed, patting the spot next to you. Paul wiped his eyes and stood up from the bed removing his t-shirt, leaving him in only his plaid pajama pants. He crawled into bed and pulled you to his chest, running his hands down your back until they landed on your ass. You lifted your head and looked into his dark brown eyes, seeing the flicker of desire in them. Smiling softly at him, you pressed your lips against his, hearing the singer let out a content sigh. He rolled you over onto your back and hovered above you as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I love you," You whispered

"I love you too, baby," He whispered back, before dipping back down and kissing your lips

You wrapped your legs around the guitarist's waist as you kissed him back. The two of you exchanged soft and slow kisses before Paul broke away and moved his mouth to your neck, kissing it and nipping at the soft skin. You threw your head back against the pillow and groaned, giving the singer more access to your neck. He licked his way down your chest, lifting your t-shirt and kissing your breasts. He took one nipple in between his two fingers while taking the other in between his lips, sucking gently. You arched your hips up, grinding them against Paul's, hitting his growing erection, making the two of you groan. Paul moved his mouth to the other nipple, giving it the same torture as the other one.

"Fuck, Paul," You hissed, as you grabbed his face and pulled him back up to you

You slammed your mouth against his and pushed your tongue into his mouth, tasting the sweet taste of the coffee he had that morning. You pulled his hair as the two of you explored each other's mouth and the singer thrusted his hips against yours, hitting your core. Paul broke the kiss again and moved to your lower half, pulling your panties down your legs, and throwing them to the floor. You lifted your torso and pulled your t-shirt off, throwing it down to the pile of clothes building up. The singer trailed his fingers down your chest to your clit, stroking it gently. Paul moved his fingers inside of you, pumping them in and out slowly. You moved your hand down the singer's body until you reached the hem of his pants. The two of you kept eye contact with one another as you dipped your hand into his pants and grabbed a hold of his dick, pumping it in sync with his fingers in your pussy. You both worked each other until it filled the room with heavy breathing and groans.

Just as you were close to your release, Paul removed his fingers from you and brought them to his lips, sucking them dry. He took your hand and kissed it before sitting it to the side, making you groan. The singer moved from the bed one last time just as a knock sounded at the door. You shook your head and motioned for him to join you again as the knock got louder. Paul adjusted his pants and ran a hand through his hair before jogging toward the hotel door. You quickly got dressed in your clothes and stood in the bedroom door entry way as the singer talked to two big men at the front door. One man handed Paul a large envelope before closing the door behind him.

"What is that, fan mail?" You asked

"Go get cleaned up and I'll explain everything," Paul replied, not looking at you.

You put your hands on your hips and looked at the guitarist, confused by the sudden coldness he was showing you. Paul reached for the hotel phone and punched in a number before looking back at you and waving his hand at you to leave. You let out a frustrated groan and walked back toward the bathroom, slamming the door hard behind you.

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