Part 24

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(Paul POV)

Paul walked toward the living room, seeing both Robbie and Joey looking at him with shocked expressions on their faces. The singer tried to withhold his smirk at Joey's face, going from shocked over what he heard to anger. Paul turned to Robbie and winked, before taking a seat next to Joey, crossing his leg over the other and slumping his arm over the back of the couch.

"I'm sorry guys, Y/N and mine conversation got a little heated in there. I swear that temper of hers Robbie, I don't know how you put up with it sometimes." Paul replied, looking at Robbie and winking.

"Apparently you need to move back to New York to help me handle it." Robbie replied, taking a seat in the recliner.

"So Joey, I know it's late notice, but I'm taking Robbie, Dave and Y/N out for dinner, and I would love for you to join. Can you get a date within three hours? I would hate for you to be uncomfortable as the fifth wheel," the singer replied.

Paul looked over at the other man, seeing the fumes coming off of him and the wheels turning in his head. The singer waited for Joey's response as the door to the bathroom opened and you slowly walked into the living room. Paul held his arms open to you, smiling as you walked around the coffee table and taking your place on his lap. The guitarist kissed your cheek, making sure Joey was looking at the two of you.

"What is going on out here and also when do I need to get ready?" You asked.

"You look like you need a nap Y/N,'' Robbie pipped up.

"Shut up Robbie. I had a nap while you and Paul shopped. Just want to make sure I don't mess up the plans. I need to make sure I don't look like my usual slob self," You said, glaring at your friend.

"That argument did sound exhausting. Maybe both of you should catch a little snooze," Robbie replied.

"You have about three hours, but the restaurant knows I'm coming, so if we are late, I promise they won't mind. I was just inviting Joey to dinner with him, but he hasn't responded. Joey, my friend, I can make a couple of calls and you can have a beautiful woman on your arm. Just say the word." The singer offered,

"Where and what time?" your co-worker asked.

"7 pm at Mastro's Steakhouse. Just make sure you got a dress shirt and jacket. Please let me know if I need to call my manager. Doc can get an intern lined up for you." Paul stated, nodding at the man.

"I can find someone to don't worry, and I'm surprised someone of your age wants to be out so late. Aren't the nurses putting you to bed by 9?" Joey asked, standing up and walking toward the door.

"Your mom, aunt, second cousin, or a hooker on 23rd street doesn't count either!" your roommate smirked.

Joey took one more look at you sitting on the singer's lap and wrinkled his nose in disgust. Paul pulled you in closer to him and ran his free hand up and down your thigh. Robbie waved goodbye to the man, grinning from ear to ear at the whole interaction before grabbing the house phone and walking off. Once the room cleared out, the guitarist moved you so you were straddling his waist.

"We are not having sex in the living room. You already fucked with Joey's head enough for one day," You replied, trying to move.

"You're right Y/N, I fuck with his head this afternoon, when I show him that what you screamed is the truth. You're also lucky I don't take you back in that bathroom and fuck you in the mirror. I don't want to ever hear yourself say you're a slob. You're beautiful." the singer smirked, leaning forward until your back hit the couch.

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