Part 10

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(Paul POV)

A week later,

"Are you sure you really want to do this? Go above and beyond for a girl? Doc asked.

Paul leaned against the wall outside the rehearsal studio, trying to think of the best way to explain it to his manager without decking him. The singer had been on cloud nine since the New York trip. He understood Doc's concern over Paul acting on impulse. Still, the sex was excellent, and after talking to you over the last week, the communication was just as well.

"You know what don't help me then. Go join the others and talk about how 'Paul is acting like a teenager. Here you want Pam's number too. I'm sure she would love to join this conversation too." Paul replied.

"Okay, I know you're wound up tight since Pam picked up your boy, but no reason to bite my head off. I just want to make sure you really thought this through. I care for you, man, that's all," Doc replied.

"If Gene was doing this, would you be questioning him like this? I'm divorced, and if I want to go to Germany to see, fuck or hang out with a girl, that's my business. He's in a relationship, and you jump to help him." The singer replied.

"Let's just get through the rehearsals this afternoon. I'll show you what we did for her and finalize the plans, okay, turbo?" Doc replied.

Paul grinned and slapped the older man on the shoulder as the two of them walked into the building. The singer hoped the other three bandmates would be a little more prepared this time, so the first concert of the farewell tour would not be another disaster.


Three Hours Later

"I'll see you guys in a couple of days for the first show," Paul said with a wave to his bandmates.

"Why don't you come over to the house for dinner with Shannon and the kids?" Gene asked.

"As much as I appreciate the invite, I've got a couple of things to take care of with Doc. Before you ask, it's none of your business," the singer told him, walking off.

Paul chuckled to himself, knowing he had pissed the bassist off by not giving him more details. In the history of being friends with Gene, the singer knew it was best if Gene had very little information about anyone's engagements. It was even more important now that his ex-wife was best friends with Shannon. The singer walked down the long hallway to the small conference room, finding Doc on the phone. Knocking on the door, the older man held a finger up to the singer and motioned for him to take a seat.

"Okay, sorry about that. I just had to confirm some more details for your trip," Doc said.

"Did you get me an email address for her, and did you set up the gifts for her to get? Don't make me look like an idiot and just show up at her house or job." Paul replied.

"Her boss knows everything. In fact, suggested that the two of us come in making it look like there's an issue with the interview that Y/N did." Doc said, passing over the receipts and gift details.

"That is kinda a good idea, though don't you think that would freak Y/N out a bit, especially since I started everything?" The singer asked, looking over the papers.

"We just go in and say we want the stuff edited out. It makes the band look bad." Doc replied.

Paul looked up at Doc and nodded his head in agreement with the new addition to the plan. The thought of you being flustered by it somehow excited the singer more than it should, and he tried to ignore the slight twitch in his pants at the idea of what would happen that night with you. Paul passed the paperwork to Doc and stood up, shaking the man's hand.

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