Part 29

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(Paul POV)

The singer shook his head at the growing smirk on Gene's face as he joined his bandmates near the door of the conference room. Paul didn't give the bassist a chance to speak and moved his attention to Ace and Peter, both looking exhausted and bored all at once. Out of the four members of the band, with interviews or promotional stuff, everyone knew that the guitarist and drummer would rather be off doing something better. Gene tapped Paul on his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts, and motioned for the singer to follow him.

"I'm not telling you why we are late, because you'll think I'm lying, anyway. Did you let them know what was going on here? They both look like walking train wrecks." Paul said.

"So what's the deal with the Joey guy? Did you hurt his feeling by fucking his girlfriend like he couldn't and she left him for you? It all feels like revenge," Gene asked.

"Y/N and I aren't together. I'm single, like I told you on the phone. She makes me happy, but it's too soon for commitment." Paul replied.

"She wouldn't stay with you long anyway, unless you put her on a big allowance," Joey said

Paul cringed and slowly turned around, finally getting a full view of the damage you had caused the younger man. He had a deep cut on his upper lip, and a black eye that looked like it would take months before it would heal up. The singer was proud of you, yet was struggling not to burst into a fit of laughter at the sight of Joey. Gene moved in front of the singer, keeping a space between the two men, making Paul raise an eyebrow at him. The singer was never one to have a confrontation in public. It was usually Ace that kept the band's name in the press in that way.

"Joey, what's your problem with me? I've been nice from the day I met you at Tower Records, even after you yelled at Y/N for acting like a tramp. All that happened was my doing after she consented, or is it jealousy that you don't know what happened after that night?" Paul asked.

"I just hate the band and how arrogant you two are. Just walk up to women and think they should bow down to you. Y/N is and always will be my girl. I don't care what I have to do to keep that in her head," Joey hissed.

"And you don't? Since I've been around you anytime you see Y/N, you bark orders at her." Paul pushed back.

"No, you're confusing Paul to me. I think there should be a red carpet rolled out every time I walk into a new room and everyone's girlfriend is my girl. I don't care if you've been with her for five minutes or fifty years," Gene said.

Paul absentmindedly listened as Gene and Joey went back and forth like two teenagers, as he searched the room finding you embraced with who he presumed was your boss. He saw the color slowly come back to your face as you shook your head at whatever the woman was whispering in your ear. The singer grinned softly to himself, glad to see after the entire ordeal someone could give you some type of peace of mind. It was another thing that kept him intrigued about you, you just didn't believe something was okay because someone said it you had to see it with your own eyes. Another thing he had never seen in any women he had been with, usually they went with the flow of things mainly because of who Paul was.

"Doc, we should go introduce ourselves," The singer said, turning to his manager

"Okay, Casanova," Doc replied, rolling his eyes.

"Hey maybe you can get laid on this trip and not be an asshole the entire tour either. I already have three other pricks to deal with. I don't need you either." Paul said with a chuckle, wrapping his arm around the shorter man.


(Reader POV)

"That's all I can say for now. Also, be nicer to Paul from what I'm told he really wants things to be good for the two of you." Sheila replied.

"We are just friends. Why does no one believe us?" You asked, pulling away from her.

"Um honey there was so much heat between the two of you during the interview I'm surprised the sprinkler system didn't go off," She said, with a chuckled

You shook your head and looked over her shoulder to see both Doc and Paul making their way over to the two of you. The singer smiled and winked, making you shake your head at him, as you tried to keep yourself in professional mode and not the sex crazed maniac he had turned you into. Patting your boss's shoulder, you pointed at both of the men, pulling Paul's attention off of you for a few minutes.

"Mr. Stanley and Mr. McGee, this is my boss, Sheila Rivera." You said.

"Please call me, Paul." the singer replied, taking your bosses his hand.

You watched her blush as the singer shook her hand and then pulled it to his mouth, planting a kiss on the knuckles of it. She pulled her hand away and giggled, making you quickly cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. Standing there for a few more minutes listening as the three of them went back and forth on different topics, as your eyes drifted around the room, finally landing on Joey. He looked at you and smirked, wincing slightly, making you happy for once he was on the receiving end of the pain and not you. Anxiety started washing over you as the words he had screamed came back, making you want to vomit all over the floor.

"I'm going to let you three chat for a few more minutes before the meeting starts. I'm going to go grab something off of my desk. You know my usual stuff for meetings, Sheila," You said.

"Okay dear, just make it quick before the toddler throws a fit." She replied, never taking her eyes off of Paul.

It seemed everything you had heard about the band and their singer was true. Paul definitely was a charmer and could turn any woman into a puddle. Oddly, you felt jealousy stirring in your belly at the thought he could really find someone better than you, even though you were adamant that you didn't want him in any other sort of fashion than a friend and a warm body at night. You headed back down the hallway, thankful to have a few minutes alone to catch your thoughts in private. It was making your nerves get the best of you since now the other three members were going to be in the room, too. You had done a bunch of interviews before but not one where the lead singer of the band and you got handsy with each other. Paul never mentioned if he had said anything to anyone about the odd relationship or not.

The sound of someone calling your name as you walked down the hallway made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You tried to ignore it and picked up your pace, hoping to get inside your office and lock the door before a scene broke out. The person's footsteps got louder along with their calls, making everyone in their cubicles stand and look up at you. Just as your hand touched the handle of your door, a hand dug into your shoulder.

"Don't make this situation worse, please?" You whispered.

"Shut your fucking mouth and go inside. We are going to have our own meeting before the big one goes down and you lose everything," The person said in your ear, pushing you through the door.

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