Part 38

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(Paul POV)

The singer ran a hand through his hair and looked at the large package in his hand, feeling his stomach turn in. He let out a deep breath and took a seat on the love seat in the living room of the hotel, slowly undoing the envelope. Paul listened for a moment to the shower running and wondered what the contents would do to you or to the status of your relationship. He knew finding Joey was weighing heavily on the two of you, but the singer didn't want it to destroy you. Paul opened the envelope and pulled the contents out, finding all the information he had requested. A dozen photos and packs of paper giving the whereabouts of the man laid in his hands.

"Ill be damned, she was right," Paul mumbled to himself

Paul laid everything out on the small coffee table and left the couch, heading toward the bedroom as the shower stopped in the bathroom. He quickly grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his head before taking a seat on the bed facing the bathroom door. You came out with a towel wrapped around your hair and body, with a small frown dancing across your face. You looked at the singer with the saddest face, making his heart sink. He had been stern with you over the package, but he needed a minute away from you to think about the best way to handle the situation. The singer smiled softly and patted the spot next to him, seeing you shake your head at him.

"I don't want sex. I want to talk to you before we go into the living room and I show you what was in that package." Paul replied.

"You bought a gift?" You asked, as you grabbed your clothes from the suitcase.

"It could be a gift if it goes according to plan." the singer replied

"That makes me nervous. What did you do?" You asked, as you slipped on your bra and panties

"I found him well at least the last known place he was," Paul said

"Oh my god, how did you find Joey? Did you go looking for him?" You stammered.

"I hired someone to go looking for him while you were asleep yesterday. That's part of why Gene and Doc were here this morning, besides talking about giving you a new job," He replied..

"Well, let's go see this information. I could probably lead you right to him," You said.

"No, absolutely not! If I show you this information, promise me you will not go look for him alone. I have just a short amount of time to spend with you today before I have to go to rehearsal. You and him are supposed to come down there and do an interview too," The singer replied.

"I doubt he will show up to that. He was fired and wouldn't be stupid enough to show his face around there," You said as you threw on your t-shirt and jeans.

Paul stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace. You let out a deep sigh as the singer pressed his lips to the side of your face, feeling the tension easing off of you for the moment. The singer had promised Robbie he would do everything in his power to keep you safe, and he still felt as though he was failing the both of you by letting Joey run free. The two of you pulled away from each other after a few minutes, and Paul took you by the hand, leading you back into the front room. He took a seat on the couch and pulled you down beside him. You reached for one photo immediately and shook as you looked down at it.

"What is it Y/N?" Paul asked, as he placed a hand on your knee

"This is the house I was telling you about! He's still in town with one of my ex friends from college!" You yelled, pointing at another photo of a woman next to Joey.

Paul looked at you, feeling his own nerves get the better of him before he stood up and went to the phone. He quickly punched in the number to his manager's room and waited patiently for the man to pick up. The singer could see the tears forming in your eyes as you shook in your spot. After several rings, the sound of a helium filled voice came across the line, making Paul jump slightly.

"Doc, I need you to send your guy back to that house and see if Joey's still there. If he is, have him call me immediately and we will send our detective over there. Understood?" Paul barked into the phone.

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