Part 35

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Several Hours Later

Paul pushed your wheelchair down the long hallway toward the elevators, as you gave Robbie a list of supplies you would need for the hotel stay. Your stomach had been in knots since your best friend had broken the news to you that Joey's apartment had been cleared out and no one could locate him. The singer pulled the wheelchair to a stop just as Robbie put his notepad down.

"This is almost two pages Y/N!!! It's only going to be a week away from home!!!" Robbie exclaimed

"Yes, but unlike you, I don't have the luxury of having a closet at my boyfriend's house like you do." You replied.

"Excuse me? When did you become a couple?" Robbie asked, with a small smirk on his face

"Yeah, I'm kinda curious myself, Y/N" Paul said, as he pressed the call button

You quickly hid your face in embarrassment from your comment, as you heard Paul chuckle softly. He squeezed your shoulder as the doors of the elevator opened and pushed you inside. You leaned your head up and glanced at the man, seeing the worry drawn across his face. The two men had decided you would be safer staying with the guitarist than alone at the apartment, at least until the concert was over at the end of the following week. You wondered how safe you would actually be with the guitarist now that Joey was still on the loose. The last thing you needed was something to happen to Paul because of a crazy ex friend with benefits.

"My security guard will wait for you in the other vehicle to get all of Y/N stuff. Give us a ring tomorrow and we can see about setting up plans for dinner with you and Dave," Paul replied.

"You two have some things to figure out, so I'll give you a couple of days. Don't get too crazy, her arm is in a cast." Robbie said.

"Robbie!!! That's enough out of you, we don't just fuck each other's brains out. We go out on dates, just the last one got messed up," you hissed.

"It's okay, sweetheart, he's just pulling your chain. We have something somewhat special," Paul replied, grasping your shoulder.

You shrugged the man's hand off of your shoulder and folded your arms in front of your chest. Paul let out a sigh and hit the parking garage button. The three of you stayed quiet for the rest of the ride to the car, all seeming to be lost in your own thoughts. A few minutes later, the doors opened and Robbie walked out first, heading toward the doors. Paul hit another button and closed the elevator doors. You cleared your throat and tried to avoid eye contact as the singer moved to stand in front of you. He brushed the hair out of your eyes before he pressed his lips to your temple, making you shiver slightly.

"Talk to me, baby. What's wrong?" Paul asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. Can we go now please before he makes another stupid comment? I've already embarrassed myself enough by saying we are together when we are clearly not on the same page," you replied.

"I'm in love with you, Y/N, why doubt that?" The singer asked

"You didn't chime in to defend me with Robbie. Just left me looking stupid and the butt of his joke," you said, rolling your eyes.

Paul chuckled and knelt down in front of you, brushing the back of his hand across the side of your face. You let out a shaky breath and waited anxiously for the man's next move. He brushed his lips against your cheek, then moved his mouth closer to your ear, making you grip the armrest tightly. He cleared his throat, making his hot breath hit your neck in a way that made your eyes roll into the back of your head.

"You're mine, and I don't have to explain that to a damn person. When we get back to the room, I'm going to show you how much I love you and every day this week until we have to part. Is that understood?" Paul whispered into your ear.

"Fuck," you hissed, as Paul took your earlobe in between his teeth and pulled

"Tell me what I want to hear, or you won't get any part of me for the night," He whispered again in your ear

"Yes sir, I understand" you replied breathlessly

"Good girl, now can you play nice for longer?" Paul asked

"Mmm hmm" you replied

Paul kissed your lips gently and then stood to his feet, pressing the button to open the elevator door. He moved back behind the wheelchair and pushed you out to the lobby where Robbie waited, giving you an all knowing smirk. Paul waved the man over to him and the two walked away, leaving you alone with your own thoughts for a moment.

You tried to keep your mind on the positive of what would take place with the singer in just a short time, but your thoughts kept going to what Robbie had told you about Joey. You knew the man had a lot of places he could run off to, especially with the amount of money his father had. The old house next to your college popped in your head and you moved your hands to your wheelchair, rolling yourself over to where both Paul and Robbie stood.

"You're not supposed to be doing that," Robbie said

"Shut up. I know where he is at, or at least where he could be," you replied

Paul ran his hand through his hair and looked down at you, waiting for your explanation.

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