Part 4

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Next Morning,

Paul woke up to you wrapped around him with your head hidden in his neck from the sun. He ran his hand softly down your side and turned to look at the clock flashing 9 am. The two of you only falling asleep from exhaustion only a few hours before. The singer moved to dip his head down and kissing your neck, grinning as you swatted him away. The sound of the telephone ringing next to the bed caused Paul to groan as he rolled back over and picked it up. You moved out of his grasp, getting out of the bed grabbing your bra and panties off the floor.

"Hello? Gene, I don't want to go to breakfast. You guys go down without me. I've got something to take care of." He said, winking at you.

The singer grinned and watched you move around the room, gathering all of your clothes from the night before. Paul barely listened to his nagging bandmate on the other line and put the phone back on the base. He rolled out of bed and slipped on his boxer. You looked back at him shaking your head as Paul moved across the room, wrapping his arms around you from behind you. The guitarist put his chin on your shoulder, pressing his erection against you, smiling at the sound of the soft moan escaping your lips.

"Where's the rush Y/N? You should have breakfast with me. I'm sure you're hungry from everything we did last night. We can have a little more fun before I have to go to the airport." Paul whispered.

The singer kissed the tender spot under you, making you lean your head into his shoulder. Paul frowned and looked at you at the feeling of you pulling away from him. You leaned forward and kissed him, catching the singer slightly off guard. He grabbed your hips and tried to deepen the kiss but was stopped as you pushed him away.

"Paul, as much fun as last night was, we don't have to pretend it's any more than a one-night stand once I'm dressed, and I walk out that door. "You told him.

"What if I don't want to end when you leave" Paul countered

"What?" you asked, confused.

"Not a relationship, but we both agree that last night was phenomenal. So why not keep it going? have fun here and there and start a friendship." He replied, sitting down on the couch.

"You, Paul Stanley, are going to take my number and call me to be friends and hook up from time to time? Stop joking around," You replied, heading toward the bathroom.

"Don't underestimate me, Y/N! I'm always up for a new challenge." The singer laughed.

Paul walked over toward the bed and grabbed his jeans off the floor. Pulling them on quickly, and stared down at the bed as he replayed the night before in his head. The singer never wanted to do morning afters, let alone start a fling with the girl, yet something drew him to you. Paul wasn't quite ready to let you go, especially now with you challenging his intention.

The sound of the bathroom door opening made the singer turn around as he clasps his belt. He grinned as he watched your eyes fall from his face down to his crotch, causing Paul's dick to twitch and his jeans to grow tighter around him. Paul cleared his throat, making your head snap back up to eye level, your face flushed red in embarrassment.

"You know these can come off as quickly as I put them on, sweetheart, just say the word" Paul smirked.

"I told you it's been an enjoyable evening, and I thank you for showing me a nice time, but I really have to go, Paul," You replied, grabbing your bag off the floor.

"I can show you an even better morning and afternoon. The plane leaves whenever we are ready to board," The singer replied.

"Goodbye, Mr. Stanley," you said as you opened the door.

Paul moved toward the door, slamming it shut, and grabbed you, pushing your back up against the door. He growled and leaned his body into yours, feeling the slight tremble coming from you. The two of you looked at each other, biting your lip. You moved your hands to push the singer away but were stopped when the singer grabbed your arms and pinned them above your head. Paul ducked down and slammed his lips against yours pushing his tongue into your mouth, causing a quiet moan to escape you by the move. The singer moved one hand to your chin, keeping you from pulling away from him as he slowed the kiss down, letting his lips linger against your mouth for a few minutes.

"Did you leave your number, or are you going to make this game harder?" Paul asked, leaning his forehead against yours.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," You replied, pushing the guitarist away.

"Have it your way, Y/N, either way, you will hear and see me very soon," Paul replied, holding the door open for you.

You smiled at the singer one more time and walked out the door, yelling as he smacked your ass one more time. Paul watched you until you disappeared onto the elevator and then shut the door. He let out a heavy sigh and walked to the bed laying back for a few minutes, playing over again in his mind the night before and what he would actually do.

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