Part 14

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You raised an eyebrow at the singer and waited to see what he would do next. Waiting just a couple of minutes as Paul looked back at you before you turned back around and attempted to walk away. Just as your hand touched the handle of the door, fingers hooked into the two back belt loops of your jeans, turning you around to face the singer. Paul shook his head at you and pushed you back against the brick wall of the apartment building. Slowly moving your leg apart, and put his hands on either side of your head as Paul leaned his body slightly into yours.

"What's the matter? Mr. Stanley can't handle the idea of going on a tour of my building and doing the brief distraction you promised." You said.

"You are full of sass, aren't you, Y/N? I can handle anything, baby. Look at what I did with you on camera. You think I'm afraid to set up another mock meeting to fuck that tight pussy yours, on top of your desk, with the chance of someone walking in or them hearing you scream my name?" Paul whispered, a smug smirk on his face.

You stuck your tongue out and flicked it against his lips, causing him to groan. Leaning his forehead against yours, Paul moved his hands off the wall, running them both down your sides. The goosebumps grew on your arms under the singer's touch and forceful gaze. You pushed off the wall and slammed your mouth against Paul's lips. The sound of the apartment opening made the two of you jump apart, turning to see your best friend grinning at the two of you.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but Y/N, Joey is on the phone and wants to know if he can come over to talk," Robbie said.

"Goddamn it! Does he sound drunk, Robbie?" You asked, moving away from Paul.

"Tipsy, but said it is over the geezer interview and wants to go over the notes," He replied.

"Who is Joey and what geezer interview?" Paul asked, looking confused.

"I'll explain it in a few minutes. Let me go deal with him." You replied, running into the house.

You walked into the living room, trying to cool down your already growing anger. Joey always had a way of ruining any joyous moment you were having, even from thirty minutes away. Turning around, you saw Paul and Joey walking in and taking a seat on the couch, staring at you. You could still see the hurt and confusion on the singer's face and hoped it wouldn't result in him deciding to break off the budding friendship and the fantastic sex. You picked up the phone, hearing the music blaring in the background.

"Joey, what's up?" You asked,

"Y/N, hey, come out to the bar, and we can discuss the interview, maybe have a few drinks," Joey replied

"No, Joey, I have a friend in from out of town and want to spend some time with him. Anything about the interview can wait for work tomorrow, okay?" You said, looking over at Paul.

"Oh him? Well, both of you come down, then bring Robbie, too," Joey said.

"Let me ask them, okay," You replied, putting the phone down

"Uh oh, Joey has pushed buttons already, and she's been on the phone for a minute. Paul, you're going to really have to deal with some attitude." Robbie said with a chuckle.

You glared at your friend and pointed at him, giving him a warning to keep his mouth shut. Paul stood up and wrapped his arm around you, making you shake your head at the whole stupid situation. If you and the singer were out at the bar, that would do nothing but cause trouble for him. Still, you knew your idiot coworker would just end up appearing at the apartment later, looking to hook up.

"Joey wants the three of us to join him at the bar." You said, sighing.

"Is he a boyfriend, and who is he calling geezers?" Paul asked.

"He is not a boyfriend, just my coworker. The geezers he keeps talking about are you and Gene. Apparently, the interview pissed him off with you and me flirting," You replied.

"Oh, if he only knew what happened in the hotel later. Let's go out there. If he's not a boyfriend who cares what he thinks, Robbie, You want to come with him? Give you more time to hang out with us before I steal your best friend for the week," The singer said, turning to face Robbie.

"OH MY GOD, YES!" Robbie said with a squeal.

"Damn, Robbie, calm down. He's just a regular guy," You said, laughing.

"Um, no Y/N, he's a rockstar and a hot one at that! Who wants to hang out with me, and Paul is even letting me go with you to the concert." Robbie replied.

You shook your head and listened to the other two laughing at each other. At least you would have Paul with you if Joey got out of line. Knowing your coworker would only fuel the rumor mill at work and cause trouble during the following two assignments with the band. You sighed and picked the phone up, listening to Joey yelling at someone across the bar.

"Alright, Joey, we will be there in an hour." You said, hanging up the phone before he could reply.

"Okay, I'm going to call Dave and have him meet us there. He will not believe the Paul Stanley is going to hang out with us." Robbie said, grabbing the phone and walking to his room.

"This really isn't a good idea. It's going to cause nothing but issues with you and your personal life. You're going to run for the hills and definitely regret wanting to be a friend with benefits." You said, looking at the ground.

Paul grabbed your chin and pulled it up so you would look him in the eye. He slammed his mouth against your lips, making you gasp, giving Paul access to push his tongue into your mouth. Wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you as the singer could in a standing position. Paul controlled the kiss the whole time, pulling back and biting your bottom lip or licking it. After a few minutes, the singer broke away from you and moved to your ear, making your breath hitch up, wondering what he would do next.

"You're mine," He whispered, nipping your earlobe.

"I think we should stay here," You replied.

"Patience, baby girl, you can take it out on me later. Rock my world again." He said, pulling away from you.

You let out a groan and pushed him away from you, frustrated that the man was toying with you more.


45 minutes later.

The three of you walked into the local downtown bar, the same one you and Robbie spent most of your college years at almost every night. You scanned the room, finding Joey holding court in the usual spot in the back of the bar. Turning around, you looked up at Paul, giving him a sad smile, hoping he would change his mind and take you back to the hotel room. Paul looked down at you with an all-knowing smile and moved closer to your ear.

"Play nice for an hour, and then we can leave," Paul whispered

"You will regret those words in a few minutes when you meet him," You replied.

"Hey, save it for the apartment. Dave is trapped over there with Joey. Let's go," Robbie said, walking toward the table.

Paul grabbed your hand, sending a spark up and down your body. The two of you walked through the crowd over to where Robbie stood with a short man wearing a red shirt and vest, with his arm wrapped around your roommate's. Paul let go of your hand to talk to the other two, making you smile at both Robbie and Dave's reaction to seeing the singer. You turned your view over to Joey, seeing him smiling at you and getting up from his chair to come over to you.

"Hey, you made it finally, Robbie. Take too long to get ready?" Joey asked.

"Oh, no, My friend Paul had to change clothes at his hotel before we could head over,' You replied.

"Well, Y/N, Don't be rude, introduce me to this mystery friend of yours," He said.

"Hey, Paul? Come over here. I want to introduce you to my coworker, Joey," You called.

You felt the singer snake his arm around your waist and extend his hand out to Joey. You watched as the smile quickly left the younger man's face, and anger promptly took over.

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