Part 15

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(Paul POV)

The singer sat crossed-legged next to Joey for an hour, listening to him mumble on about the schooling he had, as well as how wealthy his family was. Paul hummed softly under his breath as his eyes scanned the bar, trying to spot both you and Robbie. Smirking as he heard your laugh echoing from the front of the bar, and his eyes landed on you and your roommate standing next to the pool table. The singer made eye contact with you just as you stepped up for your turn. Your face flushing red as Paul winked at you, making him want to leave the bar and fuck you just as he had promised. He chuckled as you missed your shot, knocking the cue ball into the pocket. A smack in the shoulder made the singer turn his head, seeing Joey looking back at him, pissed off that Paul hadn't been listening at all.

"I'm sorry. I was looking for something more interesting to focus on besides your bragging. What did you say?" Paul asked, picking up his drink.

"You know, We've interviewed more famous musicians than you and Gene. How much money did you have to pay my boss to con them into it?" Joey asked.

"That's funny since Y/N told me it was the first interview either of you had done. That's why we are in town, because of the shitty filming you did. Maybe you should ask your daddy for some extra money in your trust fund. We don't play nice to people trying to fuck with our interviews." the singer replied.

"Someone sounds bitter that he didn't end up in bed with Y/N after groping her on film. She has pretty high standards, but she is great in the shack." the younger man snickered.

"Who told you I didn't end up in bed with Y/N that night or this afternoon?" the singer asked, humming to himself again as he watched you play pool more.

"It's kinda rude to lie about women sleeping with you. That could get someone in your line of work in," Joey said.

"Maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror. You lie about sleeping with women. That's the difference between you and me. You talk about it, and I do it." Paul replied.

"Can you stop with that stupid tune? Are you practicing a song your old ass can't remember for the show?" Joey asked.

"Oh, you didn't know? That's Y/N's favorite tune to have hummed against her when your face is deep in her." The singer smirked.

The sound of footsteps approaching made both men turn around, seeing you and Robbie standing next to the table with your eyebrows arched. Paul grabbed your hand and pulled you to his lap, wrapping his arms tight around your waist. You looked at him and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning in close to his ear as he slowly stroked the exposed skin around your hip. The hot breath from you on his neck was causing the singer to lose control, feeling the familiar desire to build up gradually.

"Are you not playing nice?" You whispered, pulling away, to look at him.

"You're the only one I want to play with, sweetheart," Paul replied, kissing you softly.

Paul pulled away from you, feeling Joey's eyes on him, making the singer smirk up at you. Joey went to grab your hand, trying to bring your focus away from Paul. The singer looked over at Robbie, seeing his joy written across his face. Paul moved his hands up to your shoulders, gently massaging them as he had done during your first meeting. You rolled your neck back and forth, looking at the singer from the corner of your eye with a relaxed grin.

"Y/N, you don't have to act like you are enjoying it, just because he is coming to our job about the unsatisfactory interview," Joey said

"I didn't say we were coming to talk about the two of you, Jimmy. I said we were coming to talk about your shitty job filming the interview," Paul replied.

"It's Joey. Y/N, why don't we get out of here?" He asked.

"Oh, I have plans. I'll take a raincheck." You told him.

"You're going back home with him? Come on, Y/N, I thought you had higher standards," Joey asked.

"She does. That's why she's leaving with me, and not you. Robbie, do you want a lift back home before we head to the hotel?" Paul asked.

"Oh, I'm going to stay for a bit. Dave is over there playing pool, but don't be a stranger," Robbie replied.

"I'll be around, pal. I have to fuck the attitude out of this one for a bit. Jimmy, we will see you at the office tomorrow," The singer said, grabbing your hand.

The singer led you out the door to the blacked-out SUV, holding the door open for you to climb into the back. He swatted your ass, making you yelp before sliding in beside you, seeing the flustered look plastered on your face. Paul leaned over from his spot and grabbed your face, kissing you firmly on the mouth, and then swiped his tongue across your lips. The same spark was igniting between the two of you, like the first time he had been in the backseat with you. You grabbed the collar of his shirt, making Paul chuckle and feel the twitch in his cock at your boldness. Crashing your mouth into his, the two of you traded rough kisses back and forth.

"You just had too much fun pissing him off, huh?" You asked, between kisses.

"Not as much fun as I'm going to have fucking you all night," Paul replied.

The shy grin that ghosted your face set the guitarist off again. Paul growled and jerked you to his lap, earning a loud gasp from you. Letting out a sigh of relief as the driver pulled away from the curb and started driving down the road, Paul turned and kissed you again, slowing down the kiss that had started earlier, thankful that the hotel Doc had set up for the singer this time, wasn't as far away.

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