Part 36

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"I don't want to go back to the hotel, I want to confront his ass," you snapped, as you turned in your seat to look at Paul

"I understand that, sweetheart, but you just got a concussion and broken arm from this guy, so I'm putting my foot down and saying we need to call the detective. They can go investigate it," Paul replied.

You crossed your arms in front of your chest and pouted as you turned to look back out the window. The thought of Joey still being out and about was nagging at you. You could understand the singer's concern for you, but you wanted Joey locked up before he hurt someone else. Paul slid over the neck to you as he hit the button for the partition, giving the two of you a bit of privacy. He nuzzled his nose against your cheek repeatedly, making your pout disappear.

"Stop it, I'm frustrated with you" you said, as you turned to face the singer

"you could always take those frustrations out on me. It will make the both of us feel better," Paul suggested

"Here?" You asked, nodding your head toward the glass.

"Why not? It didn't stop us the last few times," Paul replied with a slight shrug of his shoulder

You chuckled and shook your head at the singer. Paul leaned forward and kissed the side of your face and moved down to your neck, making you close your eyes and lean into the man. He nipped slightly at the exposed skin before sucking at making an obvious mark for everyone to see. You wrapped your hands into Paul's short black hair, pulling his face up to yours.

As the two of you kissed, you tried to keep your mind focused on the moment as your ex's face kept flashing into your thoughts. You felt the tears well up in your eyes, causing you to break away from the guitarist and cover your mouth as a sob tried to escape your body. Paul quickly grabbed your face and pulled you to look at him, but you fought him off. He unbuckled your seat belt and pulled you on to his lap, as he wrapped his arms tightly around you.

"It's okay, baby girl, let it out. I'm here and you're always going to be safe with me." Paul whispered into your ear

"I'm so scared, Paul. What if he hurts you or Robbie?" You sobbed.

"They will catch him, baby, I promise. We will get you and Robbie somewhere safe while I'm on tour. I'll kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands if I find him first," he replied.

"Think about Evan. Promise me you won't do anything crazy. Please, Paul?" you begged.

"Shh sweetheart. I promise I won't do anything crazy. Just relax, okay?" The singer replied

You laid your head on the guitarist's shoulder as he ran his hand up and down your back, humming softly under his breath. You felt your eyes grow heavy with the comforting sounds and drifted off to sleep in the singer's arms.


(Paul's POV)

An hour later

Paul carried you through the lobby of the hotel as he followed behind his two security guards, holding your bags from your best friend. He felt the anxiety building inside of him as he looked down at your pale face. The whole situation with Joey was horrible and Paul wanted to get his hand on the man for a few minutes just for what he had done to you, but he knew he had to keep his promise. The singer followed the two men to the elevator and waited patiently for the doors to open.

"Mr Stanley we can carry her if you would like sir," one man said, as the door opened

"No, thanks Jerry. If Y/N wakes up, I don't want her to panic seeing she's in someone else's arms. You can get my key from my left jacket pocket though," Paul replied as he stepped on to the elevator

The younger man nodded his head and reached into the singer's jacket pocket, pulling out the card key as he pressed the top floor button. The three men stayed quiet as the lift took them up to Paul's room. Paul kissed your forehead and smiled as your eyelids fluttered open. You looked around for a moment before yawning softly and closing your eyes again. The singer chuckled to himself just as the doors opened.

"Mike and I are going to check your room first per Mr McGee's request sir," jerry said as the three men stepped off the elevator

"Okay, but I don't think that's necessary. He doesn't know where I'm staying at," Paul whispered.

"Just a precaution sir," Mike replied

Paul stood at the door and watched the other two men unlock his room and slowly walk in. He looked around the hall and tried to patiently wait for the men to finish their job as another room door open and Gene walked out with a blonde woman on his arm, not his long-time girlfriend. The singer rolled his eyes as the bassist waved at him with a huge grin on his face. Paul shook his head to stop the older man in his tracks. Gene turned his attention back to the young woman as the two security guards walked back out.

"All clear Mr. Stanley, you're free to in," Jerry replied

"Thank you. Now you guys don't camp out in front of my door all night. Get some sleep and check on your families," Paul said.

"Yes, sir," both men replied

Paul walked into the room and headed to the bedroom. He laid you gently on the bed and removed your shoes, moving the blankets over your slender frame. The singer leaned down and kissed your forehead before he turned to exit the room, stripping off his jacket. He ran his fingers through his hair and paced the carpeted room. After a couple of minutes, he let out a deep sigh and walked to the phone, punching in a few numbers quickly.

"It's Paul. I need your help with getting some info on that son of a bitch," the singer said into the phone. 

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