Part 28

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The next morning

You sat in the back of the SUV with Paul, while Doc rode in the front with the driver. Barely getting any sleep the night before after the spat with the singer and the possibility of losing your job. Needing a dose of caffeine to get through the day, you leaned forward and tapped Doc on the shoulder.

"I hate to be a bother, but since we have forty-five minutes before we have to meet Sheila, could we stop at Starbucks or something? I need my caffeine after last night." You asked.

"Oh, is that why that one beside you is so moody? You kept him awake all night," Doc asked, chuckling.

You looked over at the singer, seeing him still fidgeting with his Blackberry, glaring down at the screen. The singer did not say a word to you from the moment you entered the car, or try to touch you, making the tension high.

"Doc, I thought you managed my band, not my sex life?" Paul replied, slipping the cellphone into his jacket.

"There's one about four blocks away, Y/N," the driver chimed in

"Dear lord, it was just a joke, calm down. Y/N, we are gonna have to give you a curfew with him. I'm too old to deal with that," the older man said.

"Also too old to be unemployed, so do what I asked and shut the fuck up." The singer snapped.

You looked back up to the front of the car to see the band's manager shaking his head and mumbling to the driver. Sliding over closer to the singer and grabbing his hand, you felt him tense up for a second before turning to look at you.

"What's the matter? You have said nothing to me and I've never seen you talk to anyone like that," you asked.

"He knows I hate that trash talk. As for you, the last time I checked your mouth works very well. You could have said something too." Paul replied, tilting his head at you.

"It pissed you about last night, huh?" You asked.

Paul furrowed his eyebrows, looking at you with confusion. You slid back over to your side of the car, watching the traffic speed pass as the driver pulled toward the coffee shop parking lot. Doc jumped out of the car first and held his hands up after a couple of seconds when both you and Paul didn't follow suit. You watched the singer roll down the window briefly and flash a grin at the manager.

"You and Brad go get your stuff and hold a table. Give me and Y/N five minutes," Paul said, rolling up the window


Twenty Minutes Later

"We have to go in at some point, sweetheart. The guys are waiting and I really want to give your boss and that fucker a piece of my mind." Paul said.

The two of you sat on a bench in front of the front door of the studio. You had barely slept the night before trying to come up with some type of game plan if Sheila took Joey's word over yours and fired you. Looking down at your watch, seeing there were still fifteen minutes until it officially set the meeting to begin. Paul raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to the side, as you stood up and grabbed his hand.

"I think I should show you my office before I have to clear it out. Plus, I think you have a way to calm my nerves a bit," You said, swiping your badge to enter the building.

"Are you talking about what you wanted last night?" Paul asked, as he followed you to the elevator.

"Maybe. Did the night at the hotel give you a chance to change your mind about our rearrangement?" You replied, stepping into the lift.

You hit the button to your office floor and watch the doors closed. Waiting for Paul's response, you stayed in front of the control panel waiting for the first let down of the day, with regret building up in your stomach. The singer grabbed your studded belt and whipped you around to face him, with the smirk that drove you beyond crazy. You pointed up to the surveillance camera, making Paul's smile grow wider as he moved the two of you into its blind spot.

"Stop doing that, okay? I'm not running because we had a disagreement that what happens between friends, rather they have mind blowing sex or not. I would use Gene as an example, but that would kill the mood." Paul chuckled, pushing himself into you.

"Why me, is this a mid-life crisis or a rebound? It's been three weeks and we both are giving off mixed signals. Can you give an honest answer?" You asked, trying to ignore the distraction.

Paul let out a chuckle and then slammed his lips against your mouth. You moaned out from the shock of the surprised move. The singer moved one hand to your hips while moving his other to your throat, stroking it lightly. You grabbed his hair, tugging it firmly, hearing the light hiss slip from the guitarist before he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Exploring each other's mouth, you got a taste of his coffee and the mint he had quickly chewed as everyone jumped out of the vehicles. Secretly hoping the elevator would get stuck for a few minutes, so you could both get what you wanted. Paul pulled away and stroked your face with a half-hearted smile, making it obvious he was just as worried as you were.

"We will talk more after this meeting. I told you we are going to spend the entire day together if you can handle it." Paul replied as the elevator doors opened.

"I think I've proven multiple times I can handle it," You said, smirking at him.

"Y/N, I swear to god you are going to be the death of me. I meant the day and you may or may not get sex today. Just depends on if you earned it." The singer replied with a wink..

You looked at him with your jaw hanging open in shock at the singer's snarky comeback. He stopped and waited for your direction in the conference room. Pointing down the hall, you could already hear Sheila, Joey and another voice that you thought sounded familiar. Paul stopped and ran a hand through his hair, and looked at you with a sudden stonewalled face.

"So just to let you know, Gene is here with the other two guys. Ace and Peter won't say anything about the interview, however my best friend knows everything that happened, plus he did not particularly care for Joey's comments during the interview. That man may not even make it through the door. Gene takes care of family, and since he sees me as a brother, well, hopefully security can get here quickly." Paul told you.

"But this is my fault and Joey's, too. It all goes outside of the interview. Why would Gene want to go after Joey for the pop shot jokes he made to you?" You asked.

"Gene liked how you handled yourself in the interview, plus you make me happy and he likes that," the singer replied.

Paul walked around the corner, leaving you with your thoughts over what he had just openly admitted to you. Taking a deep breath, you turned the corner seeing the whole band plus Doc circled around your co-workers. You slowly walked toward them, taking small yet deep breaths, trying to control the rising anxiety inside of you. Sheila turned and wrapped her arms around you in a hug and leaning up to your ear. You listened closely to her feeling the anxiety drifted away.

"Seriously?" You asked.

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