Part 21

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"She's pissed off because you have to pre-tour shows and came out on you off week from Evan? That makes little sense," You replied, looking up from Paul's chest.

"Well see, Gene's girlfriend told Pam I was coming early, so to speak, for a piece of ass. Which after Pam saw the hickies you so happily left on my neck, she's being a bitch and taking it on Evan in a way. Evan just started school this week, and she expects him to have a dozen friends. He's like me. It takes Evan a bit to warm up to people before he opens up. God to hear him cry and the yelling in the background broke my heart," Paul sighed.

"You went through all of that, missing his first day of school, dealing with what sounds like a psycho ex-wife, and rumor spreading bandmates, just to come hang out with me for a bit? Why don't you just go back home for a couple of days let things cool down?" You asked.

"I actually took Ev to his first and second day of school since Pam was out of town. Why are you trying to push me away now? Already tired of me and this friends' thing?" the singer asked, rolling so he was looking down at you.

"No, I'm not tired of you or this part of the friends thing. Yet again I am still getting to use to this cuddling and conversations after sex. It usually goes drinks, sex, and shakes hands with the promise of Ill call you if I want you again." You said with a sigh.

"Well, we've done all of that, but I don't follow the normal even if this is just me coming to see you or you coming to wherever the band may be, doesn't mean we can't go out and do things to know each other. Kinda like to know more about the person whose legs are shaking around me multiple times a night while they are screaming my name," the singer chuckled.

You leaned into kiss the guitarist's while your other hand reached beside the bed grabbing one pillow that had fallen off. Just as the two of your lips were about to connect, you brought the pillow up and smacked Paul in the head, making the two of you laugh as he tried to grab your arms to stop you. The room filled with laughter as the two of you wrestled around with each other for a few minutes. Both of you tried to catch your breaths as a knock sounded at the door. The two of you quickly redressed, with Paul winking at you as he walked toward the door.

"Did you fix her attitude yet?" Robbie asked from the doorway

"Just finished actually, Y/N, Can you play nice with your friend now? I still have some shopping to do and come back while you talk." Paul replied.

"Why don't you and Robbie go out and do some bonding? It will give me a chance to nap, pack for your hotel, and get ready for the night," You said, sitting on the bed.

"You down to go with Robbie? Shop and get lunch while the princess here recovers?" Paul asked.

You felt your face heat up and desire pool in your stomach with the little nickname the singer had just spilled out. It took all you had not to become a bitch to your best friend again, just for another go around with the guitarist. Anything Paul seemed to simply did was driving you up the wall, even the previous conversation until another interruption took place. You needed to cut away from Paul for a bit to get your head on straight and blow away all the feelings building for a man you know would never want you in that way.


"Go get ready Rob, you got fifteen minutes so hurry," You snapped, pointing at the door.

"Ill see you in fifteen, man. Try to remember, though, I'm just a regular guy hanging out with a friend. You can also give me some of the dirty on little miss over here." Paul said,


Robbie held his hands up in the air and then skipped out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Paul turned back to you, with his eyebrows furrowed and disappointment plastered across his face. You got out of the bed picking up the pillows the two of you had thrown off the bed, as the sex had gotten more intense. Avoiding eye contact with him the entire time, hoping he would take the hint and leave the room. The singer cleared his throat loudly, making you turn to him.

"What happened? Why suddenly do you not want to hang out with us, and just wait for the four of us to be together?" Paul asked.

"I just want to sleep by myself for an hour or two. We've been with each other for two days straight, not that I'm not complaining. We are friends that have sex with each other, not starting a new relationship with each other. Paul, you were married for eleven years. Enjoy this while you look for a partner. Hell, you will find someone as the tour goes," You said, staring at him.

"You're putting up a wall, and that's fine because I'm not afraid of hammering something until it crumbles. I said we were friends and would get to know each other until we decided if there was more we wanted. God, do you do this to Robbie too, push him away when emotions get too strong for you?" He snapped.

"Just get the fuck away from me! Let me think for a minute and breathe. If that upsets you I'm giving you my feelings, then don't come back here and Ill see you at the first concert," You countered.

"I'm not walking away from a friend, Y/N, even if I never get inside of you again. Enjoy your nap and be ready by six," Paul said, walking toward the door.

Growling, you grabbed the guitarist's arm and pushed him up against the wall, seeing the cocky smirk dancing across his face. You pressed your mouth against his, kissing him deeply, a simple kiss making chills rise against your skin. Your small little world you had kissed a few people, but no one had made you have the desire to pull as the older man had. Paul pushed his body into yours, making your eyes roll back in your head, giving him a chance to flip your position. The singer ran his hands slowly down each side of your face, down your neck, and then to your hair, striking to your hair, stroking it.

"You really want this to all stop, you and me not driving each other crazy, just like we did on camera?" Paul whispered,

"No, I don't want it to stop, it's strangely feels right and wrong," You whispered back

"Good, We will talk more later, but enjoy your nap princess," He replied, kissing you quickly

You leaned against the wall trying to catch your breath, as the singer casually walked out the door and shut it behind him. Listening as Robbie rambled on and Paul's infectious laugh echo off the wall as the apartment door shut. You shook your head, still feeling like putty from the singer and confused on what the fuck was actually going on between you and the lead singer.


(Paul POV)

The two men set across from each other on the patio of a Starbucks, munching down on their selected drinks and snacks. Paul tried to keep up with Robbie, as the younger man rambled on about his work, his relationship with Dave, mixing in how you had introduced Dave to him over five years ago. The singer took a big sip of his latte, trying to figure out what questions to ask about you, so Paul knew how to handle your insecurities a little better.

"So you met Y/N in college?" Paul asked.

"Oh no way before then, she's always been in my corner no matter how much she screams at me" Robbie replied, before stuffing a bite of muffin in his mouth

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I think we were both a little flustered by getting caught, not that Y/N should ha." Paul shrugged.

"She only gets like that with guys she really likes more that for just sex. We may have to send a bill to your management team for the holes it sounded like the two of you put in the wall from the headboard. Joey definitely cant keep up with you.I mean Y/N let you take her out in public and doesn't shut up about you." the man stated, looking at the singer

"Y/N was right you are nosey, listening in on what happens behind closed doors! She does seem like a really sweet girl, but I dont get why she is so uncomfortable with someone wanting to get to know her for more than that beautiful body. She acts like i'm asking her to date me if I ask her a question about herself, or if I dont make her leave she tries to cause a fight. Do you know the story?" Paul asked.

The singer lifted his drink up to his mouth again, and took the last swing of coffee out of it as he watched Robbie frown and look down at the table for a moment. Paul tapped his boot on the cement not quite sure he wanted to know the answer to his question by the look on the younger mans face. The two of them stayed quiet for a few seconds before Robbie cleared his throat and looked Paul in the eye.

"Joey" Robbie replied.

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