Part 42

119 7 3

TW: Violence

(Reader POV)

You woke up in a dark room laying on a mattress on the floor. The side of your head throbbing from the blow you had taken hours before from Joey. Slowly, you moved from the floor toward the door, finding the handle locked. Feeling the tears forming in your eyes, you started banging on it and screaming.


You stepped back and felt your heart jump into your throat at the sound of someone unlocking the door. The light from the other room blinded you as a hand smacked you hard across the face. You fell to the ground as tears rushed down your face. Joey flipped on the light and bent down in front of you, grinning from ear to ear.

"You want to say that again, bitch?" Joey asked.

You grabbed your face and shook your head at him. The sound of the telephone ringing made the man jump up and take off running, leaving the door wide open. Crawling slowly, you listened, trying to guess who the man was talking to on the phone. Joey paced back and forth, running a hand through his short blonde hair.

"Listen geezer! If you want to see that bitch again, you will pay me one million dollars, or maybe I'll pay a visit to California and say hello to your son and his mother!" Joey yelled into the phone

"Oh god Paul," you whispered

"Have my money here by 11 am tomorrow. 117 Mulberry lane," He said before hanging up

You held your breath as you heard footsteps walking back toward the door. He peeked into the room and grinned at you as you cried. You felt your body shake as the man came into the room and knelt down with his lips hovering inches above yours. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before you pushed him away.

"Joey, don't do this, please. Just let me go back to Paul and move on." You pleaded

"I love you and want you to admit it. Then maybe I'll think about letting you go," he replied

"Joey, please don't do this! You're my best friend and I love you like a brother, but just let me move on," you said as tears rolled down your cheeks

The man's face turned red with anger and you flinched as his fist collided with the side of your nose. You brought your hand up to your face, feeling the blood trickling down. He grabbed you by the hair and threw you on to the bed before kicking you in the side, making you scream out in pain. Joey let out an evil laugh before walking back out the door and slamming it closed, leaving you crying in pain.

"Please God, let Paul find me before Joey kills me," you whispered

You fell asleep crying with dreams quickly filling your head of the two men battling it out while Robbie tried to shake you awake.

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