Part 13

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You stared at the singer, trying to process everything he had just said to you. The hell you had gone through the past week leading up to the meeting was all a part of a distraction so Paul could surprise you. Paul looked back at you with a massive grin on his face as you shook your finger at him, trying to calm down the emotions coursing through your body. He walked over to you and grabbed your hips, pulling you away from the door.

"Why couldn't you show up? Not avoid my calls or send your management team up to my job." You asked.

"Now, where would the fun in that be? I mean, if you're not happy with me being here early, I could go hide out in the hotel for a few more days." Paul said, moving toward the door.

"Oh, no, you don't!, you owe me big time for having me worried that I did something wrong, asshole," You replied.

"I can help you in the big category, but I'm sure you remember that. We can't leave Robbie out there alone. He worked hard on dinner." The singer said.

You put both of your hands on the side of his face, rubbing your fingers across the light stubble, hearing Paul let out a deep sigh and lean into your touch, pressing your lips against his gently and pulling away, seeing the singer's eyes flutter back open. Paul grabbed your hands and pushed you back toward the door, pinning you against it with your hands above your head like the morning you were leaving his hotel room. He leaned his face down, hovering over his mouth where it was inches apart from yours. Biting your lip, you waited anxiously to see what his next move would be.

"Tell me, What do you want me to do? Y/N," Paul asked in a whisper.

"Kiss me," You whispered.

Paul pressed his lips against your mouth, kissing you tenderly repeatedly, as he slowly released your hands, allowing them to fall to his shoulders. You moved them to his black shoulder-length hair, pulling it gently and grinning at the sound of the man groaning at the feeling. His tender kisses turned into needy and wet, with him swiping his tongue into your mouth with no hesitation. The two of you explored the other's mouth as Paul lifted one of your legs and moved it around his waist. You moved your hands to the buttons of his white dress shirt, fumbling to get it open and off of his shoulders quickly. Paul moved his hand to the button of your jeans as Robbie knocked on the door, making the two of you jump and pull away from the door.

"Hey, can the two of you take a break to eat dinner with me? I promise you two can go at it more later, and I'll go to Dave's." Robbie called from the door.

"Can you give us a few minutes, Robbie? We are trying to finish a conversation," You snapped, running a hand through your hair.

"Okay, but don't wait forever! I want Paul to try my food before it gets cold." He called.

The sound of a chuckle from the singer made you turn around and look at him, seeing Paul trying to catch his breath. Fixing your messy clothes and you recheck your appearance in the mirror, making sure it wouldn't be too obvious what had been taking place in your room. The singer snaked his arms around your waist and leaned his chin onto your shoulder, making you grin. He nipped your ear lobe and moved his lips to your necks, blowing slightly before biting it too.

"If you don't stop with your teasing, we will not make it out of this room." You said.

"Oh Y/N, you're going to be mine for the next week and a half. Don't you expect to be leaving my hotel often." Paul whispered into your ear before pulling away.

"Evil man, and the next week and a half? I work, and you have the tour to get ready for," You replied, seeing him walk out the door.


1 hour later.

The three of you sat at the kitchen table, and you watched as Paul and Robbie went back and forth like two long-lost friends catching up. You wanted to finish the conversation the singer had started in your bedroom along with other things, but your best friend couldn't seem to catch the hints you kept dropping. Finally, you let out an enormous yawn, making both men stop and look at you.

"Robbie, Paul's going to be here for a bit, so you don't have to tell him your life story tonight. I'm sure he wants to get to his hotel and rest some, right Paul?" You asked.

"Oh, he doesn't have to go to the hotel! I'm going to my boyfriend's anyway, so Y/N, you can be as loud as you want!" Robbie said.

"Wow, Robbie!" You said, slapping his arm.

"We are all adults. He's a fine ass man. Hell, I'm surprised you even came out to eat," He replied.

"Kinda hard to ignore the loud knocks and your whining about wanting Paul to try your food," You snapped.

"Paul, go fix Y/N's attitude, and I'll see both of you in the morning!" Robbie said with a chuckle, grabbing dishes from the table.

You looked over to see Paul grinning at the interaction between you and your best friend, apparently amused by the whole thing. Paul got up from the table and attempted to help clear the dishes, but Robbie stopped him and gestured at you. The singer grabbed your hand and led you toward the front door, making the anticipation from before growing stronger. Looking over at Paul as he leaned over the railing, looking up at the sky. You stood beside him, wondering if the singer was as nervous as you or having second thoughts.

"I figured you two needed some breathing room. Gene and I go back and forth like you, too. It's kinda funny," Paul replied, looking over at you.

"I'm glad we could bring you dinner and a show. Now, do you want to explain what you meant about being here for a week and a half?" You asked.

"Nope, go with the flow, Y/N. Now, do you want to stay here or go back to my hotel?" Paul asked as he leaned over to kiss you.

You pulled away and looked at him, feeling light-headed from a simple kiss. Paul raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to decide on what you wanted. Running your hand through your hair, you moved back over to him, moving your lips close to his ear, whispering into it. You grinned as you pulled back from Paul's ear, seeing him trying to steady his breathing.

"Be careful what you ask for, Y/N," Paul told you.

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